Self Development

Feel Wonderful & Recognize You are a Leader!

Feel Wonderful & Recognize You are a Leader!


Being a Leader is something YOU are Doing!  

Did you realize that you are a Leader?  Well you are if you are a boss, a parent, a teacher, a writer, an example to someone.  

Now we all need to follow well in order to encourage others.

What are your skills?  

Who has taught you well?  

What peers have helped you?  

What activates you to be better?  

We all need to continue learning and growing.

Helpful people are waiting to serve you.  Historians teach us by how they functioned and succeeded.  Read about people who once developed good habits.

Even Fictional Characters are Leaders, how do you compare?

Adapting and Carrying Through Projects

What are you balancing in your life?  Are there medical issues?  A business you run or contribute to on a daily basis?  Are you a parent, grandparent, or teacher?

Health, business, and development is ongoing, but we need to learn to like ourselves.   Appreciate yourself and make time to play! 

Develop yourself by watching children and how naturally they express themselves. Duplicate some of their habitats, laugh, and have fun.  

  • Find a new hobby.
  • Try something new.
  • Toss away fear.
  • Envision what you want.
  • Listen to tapes or recordings.
  • Master Good habits.
  • Find new purposes.
  • Mentor for someone you love.
  • Engage with people you value.

Be Grateful and Be Thankful for others.  Lift yourself Up by taking time to pray, read, and volunteer!

Get out of a funk by dressing colorfully.  It may be a good time to check your wardrobe and make sure it has a joyful selection of colorful items.

Surround yourself with Color!

Complete something you have started.

We are here for you. Call us if you like some individual care.  We are here to make you happier and listen to you. This podcast is on Apple, Spotify, SoundCloud, and here at

Take the next step, it may put you on the escalator of success. 

Creating Good Relationships

Creating Good Relationships

Being Present for One Another

Make connections count!

  • Give one another space
  • Look at one another when conversing
  • Respond well and on time
  • Give others a pat on the back
  • Be supportive
  • Be willing to help spontaneously
  • Look for ways to redeem the wrong.

                  Feeling connected

Make each day count.

  • We don’t know what others are going through so we need to be patient and courteous.
  • Be kind to others at all times – Do unto others as we’d like them to respond to us!
  • Find opportunities to help others move forward and you’ll find yourself moving forward as well.
  • Give good feedback that is sincere and honest.
  • The power of suggestion may mislead you or take you down the wrong path.
  • Be aware of the media and ideas being shared with you.   Are you in agreement?

    We need to lean on one another!

“Elevate caring above competing.”   Stephen Covey

Using Portable Equity to Move Forward

Using Portable Equity to Move Forward

Using Portable Equity to Move Forward

Welcome to today’s podcast on Portable Equity.  Linda begins by sharing a story about a  group of men who had lost their jobs and how she helped them move forward.  Now she shares this with the listeners.   We all have skills that we don’t even recognize and experience that can transfer into different jobs.  Skills we are able to use in different ways may be sitting dormant.   Knowledge is ours to share, grow, and transfer into different areas of employment.

You’ll be surprised at how many qualities you have!

Next a few minutes about dealing with traumas and how to reframe our situation.  She talks about untangling problems.  What problems do you have to untangle?

Please join us on Saturday mornings for a new Group of Brainstorming.   Every week we talk and resolve ongoing problems, become friends, and learn new things.  It is designed to be a welcoming and fun group.

Take the next step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success.

Avoiding Mistakes

Avoiding Mistakes

Avoiding Mistakes

Asking for help is wisdom, not weakness.

Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments. Today Linda tells us about ways to move forward and how to avoid mistakes.  What are your goals?  Are there limitations? What are the reasons or excuses you don’t succeed?  If we want to do something enough we figure out a way to accomplish it! Do you truly desire to succeed in some area?

Today I want to address goals and limitations.    What stops a person from excelling? Is it not wanting to travel? Is it a lack of interest? Perhaps not knowing where to get funding for a project? What excuses do you give?

When one has a finished product or project in mind clearly, things come together to make it a reality.  It takes time and planning.  It calls for a course of action that can’t be rushed.  All the steps need to fall into place at the right time to get the project done correctly.

Our lives are like that in many ways.  We need to have an education or training in the area in which we want to succeed.  It may call for internships and having mentors around us to teach us the skills we need.   The limitations are the things we short-change.  They are the steps we skip over or forget to do that cause us frustration.  Limitations are often of our own making.  Sometimes we meet with failure when we don’t take things in order.

Set aside time, be specific, set a few steps that are easy to do.   So here are some limitations to avoid and watch out for and ways to move ahead!

1-Setting aside enough time to do a project on a regular basis.

2-Being specific with your WHY and the goal you want to reach.

Make whatever you want a priority and not just wishful thinking.

3-Start in even if there is a fear of failure.

4-Jumping in an environment where those around you will be helpful.  We all need support.  

5-Try finding the resources you’ll need upfront.  Where will you go for help?

6-When you find yourself getting stuck or falling short, talk to someone for guidance.   Asking for help is wisdom, not weakness!

Scheduling & Notations!

Find a word that means something to you.  Assign it to yourself for the next 3 months.  It will be a big help.  Linda says her word for the first quarter was Voyage. It has helped her move through surgery and a few other major things.

Have a great week and enjoy!

Transitions Teach us to Ask for Help

Transitions Teach us to Ask for Help

Asking for help

Asking for help isn’t always easy.   In the last 2 1/2 years we have been learning firsthand how difficult and sad life can be when we cannot be with one another.  We needed to see the expressions on one another’s faces but couldn’t with masks.  Everyone became isolated and sad.   This has been a period of transition.  We are people who want to help one another. We need to be together.

Smile, Laugh, and Offer

When we have issues it is important to learn how to ask for help.  Yet most of us are reluctant to ask for help.  Why is that? When we do reach out, often there will be people who want to help us.   We will grow closer, laugh more, and find things to smile about each day.  Connecting with others is good for both parties.  We want to be helpful to others and to pass along favors and knowledge.  It makes both parties happier in the long run.

Transitions teach us to ask for help.  I am a transitions counselor who helps others deal with change. This is a grandson who was a huge help when I came home from a hip replacement surgery.  He was willing to get me ice, pick up the stuff I dropped, and get messages to others in the family. We grew closer.

Take the first step forward.  It may put you on the escalator of success!

Who do you turn to?

Who do you turn to?

Who do you turn to when you need to figure things out?

Over the years, we all have mentors we turn to and take advice from.  We learn from them valuable skills that allow us to move ahead and do well in life.  Today Linda discusses a number of things that may help you along these lines.  In one section she suggests a book that addresses dealing with fear and other emotions.  It is an easy read and rather fun as well.  It is Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.  Enjoy this week’s podcast.  It may help you figure out who to turn to for direction and advice. This is 2022 and it may be the time to put your foot forward and attack something you have been avoiding.

Take the first step forward and it may put you on the escalator of success!

Vitality Plus

Vitality Plus

Thinking Outside the Box to Create Vitality Plus

Do you know anyone who is excellent at thinking outside the box?  sometimes thinking from a different perspective creates vitality for us.  Linda talks about the founders of the Clubhouse app.  These men thought outside the box and kept working on the idea.   Good ideas roll over into great transformations.  

Do computers disconnect us?  We are all being challenged to communicate and be with one another.   What are your goals?   Are you in any of the Community groups like Moose, Kiwanis, Rotary, or a Veterans group?   Do you need to reach out more?  

It seems when we have children in the formative years, we are forced to be with others.  We join parent groups, drive kids to and from activities, and get involved.   As our kids grow it is easy to sigh away from getting into groups and volunteering.  Our energy slides elsewhere.  Why is that and how can we continue to connect?

What old-time thoughts do you need to shift from or into?    Release some stress by reaching out to others.  Ask others how they deal with circumstances.  Become interested in what others have to share.  It is valuable.

Our emotions change with different people.   Linda talks about the encounter she had at a dealership.  It started out as something she had to do, but flipped it over in her mind and turned out to be a lovely experience.

Planting vegetation and help for one another.

Plantings are so uplifting.   Do you have any to share?  Do you offer plants from your garden to others?  I have shared lots of Rose of Sharon Bushes and Hosta over the years.   It is so nice to share.   We need not only to share plantings, but the experiences we have had.  They can help others accommodate to difficult things.   It helps the budget and spreads love.  We leave footprints behind us.   What kind of footprints do you want to leave?  Where is energy coming from?   From dancing and playing or from working hard 24/7?

Please send us suggestions.

Jim Haisler invites you to give us ideas for topics.   Your thoughts and concerns are valuable to us and to others as well.  

Please listen today and enjoy the podcast. Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success.

Who Me?

Who Me?

Who Me?

Changes are happening to all of us.  You might say, “Who Me?”  This week’s podcast is loaded with questions and ideas to move you ahead.

Beauty in the changes of the seasons can elevate us. Throughout life, we go through times of difficulty. We suffer from health issues. We have friends or relatives that die. We struggle during times of financial moments. We need to have self-control, be involved with others, and focus on how we care for ourselves. Linda pulls it all together.

Another topic of seasonal changes involves the decisions that happen when we get married. Good marriages are created by a series of choices that call us to be team players. Loving one another calls for a decision to listen and give up what we want for one another.   Sometimes it calls us to sacrifice the time we’d rather be elsewhere to stay and help our spouses.

Choices are happening minute by minute to bring stability into our lives. What habits do you need to change? What things contribute to your happiness?


Create deadlines and note any reluctance to do things. How do you procrastinate?  Focus on the reason you are doing things and the reason you don’t do things. What are you avoiding?  Is there a fear that is holding you back?  Are you in pain?  Just tired feeling?  Are you being lazy?

Have your beliefs changed in the last year? Are you more isolated in the last year? Are you allowing yourself to be making decisions based on newscasts? Have you lost cultural imprints? Are you getting enough hugs? Watching more TV and taking on those thoughts rather than thinking through what you need or want?

What do I want?


Where do we get joy? Do you thank those who help you or take the time to tell others what nice things they have done for you? Are there things you need to pay forward? Do you give verbal “tips” or just monetary ones? Start with a ripple effect of kindness and thanks!  Gina Hamadey tells us the real magic that comes when we express it. She wrote 365 notes of thanks to people around her.  Her book is listed below.

Dealing with Excess

Determine if you have extras laying around your house? We all do! Do you have excess in your pantry? Do you use the same outfits, but have a closet packed with extra clothes? Extra stuff can create confusion and clutter messes with our thinking.  Choices help us get rid of excess stuff. It helps all of us. The more things that you have around may make a difference if you share them. It helps you and helps others too. Transform your life by sharing!

Books mentioned in today’s podcast include:

OFF Balance by Matthew Kelly
Happiness is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager
I want to Thank You: How a Year of Gratitude Can Bring Joy & Meaning in a Disconnected World by Gina Hamadey

If you’d like to receive our Newsletter, it is sent out by snail mail.   Just email me at and request a copy.  Thanks.  Take the first step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success.

Yes, No, Maybe So!

Yes, No, Maybe So!

 Decision Making

Welcome to the Autumn Season and all the wonderful colors that magically appear.   Today’s podcast is on making decisions and staying happy.  Mini Miracles from Minor Moments happen all the time.   Recognizing the smallest joys can be so uplifting. Saying yes, no, or maybe so can change your beliefs about many things.

Making purchases has changed over the years for us and for many people. Shopping used to take place by us going into stores, comparing prices, or learning about what was available. We would talk to our friends and ask about the best deal. Nowadays, one goes on the computer to do research. We talk less to people in the know. We are making decisions without engaging with one another. Do you miss this?

How do these decisions affect us, our businesses, our children, or other occupations? Do you think you spend money differently?  YES?   Are you happier? NO? or MAYBE SO?

Finding ways to be happier

How do you set your goals? Have you refined your manners? How about learning new skills?  Are you connecting with other people more or less than in the past? Does your environment lift you up or keep you stymied? Linda suggests trying to move things around in your home or office. It can be very uplifting to your spirit and how you think. Finding or creating an uplifting life is beneficial and helps us stretch. It can be hard to accommodate when things are happening to you. Even if something seems insignificant.  Small things can make us depressed or they can be uplifting and a mini-miracle.

Finding comedy relief helps greatly!

Linda shares about a dog her family enjoyed and how to deal with disappointments that happen all the time. How do you deal with them? They don’t need to be big things. There isn’t a simple black-and-white way to remedy disappointments. Time, resources, and talents allow us to find comedy relief.

Be thankful for the people around you. Try to be good to them as well.  Check out our past Podcasts as well and send in ideas for us to consider.   Soon we will be having guests back again.  We enjoy taking that step.

Taking the first step may put you on the escalator of success.

Here are your choices: Yes     No    or   Maybe So
Thinking Well

Thinking Well

Mini Miracles from Minor Moments 203

How can some things seem so ideal on television or social media? We do not live in the era of the Golden Girls and an ideal Hallmark community. Today Linda addresses the reality of living a life with family, friends, jobs, and daily events.

Getting things done

Set up a schedule, a plan to help move you forward. Completing projects will move you ahead. Make lists and prioritize. What are the things that are holding you back to complete things? Are you waiting for someone to get back to you?

Belief Systems

Where did your beliefs come from? Do you follow the news? Are your thoughts from your family or are they cultural? Are they coming from the people you work with? Has a devastating loss affected the way you attack your day? What books are you reading that are contributing to your thinking203? where are your thoughts coming from?

What adjustments do you need to make?

Prioritize what you do. Are you patient? What things do you need to evaluate to keep your energy flowing well? Acknowledge the positive and negative ways you look at things and take responsibility for what actions you are taking on a daily basis.


Why journal? The advantages of journaling help us to remember things. It helps us to identify our actions, our thoughts, our emotions and creates clarity. It allows us to find a focus on the things we want to accomplish. You can list the order of how to take action on different projects. Journalizing is empowering. We can detach from things that are negative and allows us to focus on fun things and positive accomplishments.

Finally, take that first step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success.