Temporary Moments, Multitasking, and  Timeliness

Temporary Moments, Multitasking, and Timeliness

Temporary Times

Many times when people are going through difficult times I like to remind them that these times will pass. It is good to discuss the options and sorrows with others.   It helps to dissolve and resolve issues.  Temporary moments can also be moments of joy and then we need to share and multiply the happy moments because joy needs to be shared so we can engage in laughter and smile. If something difficult is happening to you, then it is good to share them with someone who can help.  They often help to carry the pain and lessen the times of struggle.

I also share thoughts about two visits I am anticipating when connecting with friends this coming week.  Of course, there are a few challenges and concerns coming up as well.  When things are going well it is actually good to write those down in a journal  It helps keep our minds clear and joy-filled.


Multitasking used to be something I did all the time.  Nowadays I try to focus on one thing at a time.  I find I do better when I concern myself with one thing at a time.  Studies have shown us that heavy multitaskers were less effective.  I just read on the internet that only 2% of the population can multitask and the other 98 % were unable to do so.  That tells us that most of our efforts are not really helping us.  Neurosciences tell us why multitasking does more harm than good.  Look around you and see how multitasking works for or against you.



What is the most stressful time of the year?   Does a specific season affect you more than other times?  Has someone in your family died and that date shacks you up yearly, or inspires you to respect a specific need?   

Is there a season that brightens you up like a month of birthdays in your family?  Or a season of traveling?  When are things particularly good for you?

What skills did you use?  Did you have a time when your memory was top-notch?   Linda shares how different opportunities allow us to accomplish things well.  What changes are you recognizing?

Timeliness gives us opportunities to grow.  We may be able to connect with people more or travel as we become empty nesters.  Perhaps car trips are now wonderful for your young children.   Look for what you are able to do now and absorb these moments.  Enjoy time with other people and develop new relationships as well.  Make memories that will keep you upbeat!

Thanks for listening today on these three different issues.  Please submit topics and ideas for the podcast.  Many of these ideas come to me through clients, community suggestions, and reading.

Take the next step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success.

Being Genuine and Liking Yourself

Being Genuine and Liking Yourself

Being Genuine and Liking Yourself means gathering from your past the good things and building upon them every day of your life. Welcome to Podcast 224  on being genuine and liking yourself. Being aware of what you are doing and how you are moving ahead comes from your past and present.

Who taught you to live well?  Where did you grow up and who set the limits for you? Who kept you accountable? Who watched out for your welfare?  Do you have a good conscience as a result of having good boundaries and wholesome values?

Changes in our times have happened because of a number of things.  Standards have changed.  People no longer work for one company for a long period of time. We pay for things differently. We don’t all know our neighbors like we once had done.  Fewer people are attending a specific denomination church.  So much has changed. What are you accepting and what is causing you to question your environment or make changes intentionally in the way you live? Now is a good time to reflect.

Do you connect with a specific type of music?  What does that music do for you?  Does it connect you with joyful or sad moments?  Linda talks about earworms that keep buzzing in your head or mental landmines that wake you in the middle of the night. How do you clarify things that need your attention?  Are you looking for answers?

Where do you find light for your thoughts and insight?

Phases of life help us advance.  We are all continually going through developmental changes. We are lucky to have businesses and people in our community to help us and support the local schools and events.  Linda talks about a man who set an example of this nature in his community.  His generosity and the community he lived in benefitted everyone greatly and he will continue to be remembered for a few generations.

Taking the next step forward may put you on the escalator of success.

Avoiding Self-Sabotage

Avoiding Self-Sabotage

Welcome to Podcast on Self Sabotage

1- Do you find that you don’t follow through with promises you have made to yourself?  Are you creating self sabotage moments?

2- Are you avoiding things you should be doing?

3- What kind of thinking do you have?   Are you positive?  Are you always doubting your choices?

4- What steps forward are you taking?

5- Are you learning to be mindful of time, of when you procrastinate, or of the times you sabotage your own goals?

6- Find time to breathe, to think clearly, and to find balance by journaling, listening to music, or taking a walk.

Unplanned Surprises Can Be Delightful

What neat things are happening to you that weren’t planned?  Linda tells us about her cornstalks that surprised her.   What surprising things have happened to you this week?

Bucket List Ideas

This section of the podcast talk about what a bucket list includes.   Why even have a bucket list?   Does it mean that you need to plan and dream about?   Bucket Lists are meant to be up lifting.

Buckets have all kinds of contents!

1- Do you want to travel?

2- Do you want to connect with special people?

3- Do you want to learn a language?

4- What goals do you want to eliminate?

5- Do you have an old bucket list that doesn’t have meaning anymore?  Throw it out and begin again.

6- Do you need to talk to friends or  learn a new hobby?

“Take the first step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success”    —Linda’s Own

Developing Resilience and Joy

Developing Resilience and Joy

Welcome to Podcast 222 which talks about resilience, moving forward, and staying connected.


Developing resilience is really essential to being happy and moving forward.   Are you a happy person?  Why do some people have resilience and others don’t?  Learning to adapt to change and stay upbeat requires recognizing our attitudes and self-talk.  Are you able to toss all your old thoughts and replace them with up-to-date information?  Who do you hang around on a daily basis that is educated, wise, and happy?  Are they good mentors for you? Do you have hobbies and fun things to do not only when you are alone, but when you are with other people?

Kids entertain themselves and one another.

Watching children who are content and successful help us see things differently.  Watching children and well-balanced people are good examples of who can become mentors for us.   Kids create their own games; they find things to do.

Are you faith-filled and attending a worship service on a regular and frequent basis?  Faith-filled individuals are kind and peaceful. They know they cannot control everything.   They are also involved in many things.  They team up like kids on a teeter-totter who balance one another out.  Everybody has a cross to bear, but with teamwork and being with others we are able to walk through things.  We must not isolate. Staying connected is essential.  Avoid being isolated and get involved.  How do you do that?  Do you have hobbies?  Are you in a group at your local church?  Do you play tennis, golf, volleyball, or have a workout group?

Do you gather with friends on a regular basis?  Maybe they are neighbors who share a common boundary or share an interest in gardening.

Making a Bucket List

We all need to create a vision for doing more; for doing different things.   We learn to develop our thinking by doing different activities.  We make bucket lists.  Make your list and keep updating it.  Things like traveling and learning about other cultures. Learning to play an instrument or going into another profession.  Be visionary and list 50 things you want to do.  You won’t regret it.

 We learn by seeing people and how others have walked down the path you are walking down at the current time.   Sometimes we learn not to go in one direction, but to rather wait.  We need to trust others.   Linda shares in this podcast how she and her husband trusted a man called POPS.   Tony merely gave POPS a 20-dollar bill and he kept a promise to them that ended up changing their lives.

Give yourself space.  Keep your thinking open.  Ask yourself many questions.  Decide how you want to spend your money. and your time on earth.   Who do you have to connect with?  How can I figure things out?  Where do I get the information I need?   What do you need to investigate?

What Things Are Changing Around You?

Are you reconnecting with other people after these Covid years?  We all need to help one another feel essential again.  We need to celebrate the good times and divide the negative moments.  We need to see the kids as they gather and play together.  The times when they go places together.

Remember that asking is wisdom, not weakness. 

“Take the first step, it may put you on the Escalator of Success!”  Linda Gullo

Adapting to Change

Adapting to Change

 What pathway are you taking?

What direction do you want to go in in life?   Do you need to learn something new?  Linda shares how food poisoning changed her thinking this week.  What road do you have to take to go forward in your work or with personal issues?

What do you take for granted?

Do you take things for granted?   Linda’s mom did not drive so she learned how normal it was to walk more when she was a kid and how her mom accommodated her needs of being a homemaker.  Exercise can become a natural part of our lives.  Think of ways to move more and incorporate it into your life.

How are you Adapting to Change?

Constantly we are all making decisions.  How are you getting chores done?   When do you schedule things?  Are there days that are just overwhelming?  Caring for our family needs or our jobs change by the moment and challenges us to keep on top of everything.   Where are you getting support?

Mini Miracles from Minor Moments

We are richly blessed with Mini Miracles and do not even realize it.  A new store opened next to our Office Mart that saved me a trip across town.   A simple mini miracle that saved me time and energy.  

Decision Making

What triggered you to make the last purchase?  Was it a commercial on QVC?  Was it a food item you saw on TV?  Are you comparing yourself to a neighbor?  Where do you go for insights? Linda gives us a few ideas.  

Feel free to join us on Saturday for BRAINSTORMING at 9 am in the Delight in Living, Ltd. Office.   It is a great group to help clarify your thinking.   Call to register at 815-459-5161 or text [email protected].

Balancing a Happy Life

Balancing a Happy Life

Balancing a Happy Life

Balancing a happy life takes time and effort.  Perhaps you are trying to reorganize and keep in check the things that are most important to you.  These may be things at work,  times with the family, and/or personal objectives like your health.

Maintaining balance in a variety of places.

Keeping up with the times is essential.  Many of us are now going out to restaurants and meeting up with others.  This interaction is so needed.  We are all trying to balance expenses, maintain the property, and keep ourselves up-to-date.  What are you trying to balance?

1-  Seeing others on a regular basis?

2- Self-care includes taking care of our skin, our diets, and exercise.

3-  Are you consistent with reading, working, and completing projects?

4-  How are you adapting to tech changes?

One can eliminate stress by being organized.

Linda talks about organizing her pantry.  This came up in a conversation with a friend who needed to put things in some order.  Here she shares a few tips she has found useful.  She then talks about the office.  Being organized helps us do things in a timely manner and also allows our minds to function better. 

What brings you joy?

Now, this may sound silly, but many people can’t figure out the answer to what brings them joy. They may not have created hobbies or put some aside.  That is often due to other things that have taken our attention.  I used to sew a great deal.  My focus has been on business and on other issues.   Now I have brought it back into my life.  

Feel free to connect with Linda on a regular basis to office topic suggestions, join in the Winner’s Circle Mastermind, or join in the upcoming Brainstorming Group on Saturdays at 10 am.   Call 815-459-5161 or contact Linda by email.

Questions to Answer

Questions to Answer

Questions to Answer

Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments on this bright, shining day in July.  Today Linda has a series of questions to ask you. Questions to help you live a happier lifestyle and stay connected with others.

If you are a reader, what are you reading?   If you are not a reader, who or what supplies your news, insights, and daily needs?  Linda reports on recent books she is reading.

Where are you going this summer for a break?   Are you taking a vacation?  Looking to visit with family, friends, or business acquaintances?   Are you flying or driving? Are you taking a one-day break? Travels to Portugal on a trip in 2013 helped us develop cultural moments and see great architecture!

How do you set margins in your life? Things that are fruitful,  control your life, and provide a variety help us thrive. What kind of hospitality to give to others, but forget to give yourself?  Check out this podcast!

Asking for help is WISDOM, not weakness!

Feel Wonderful & Recognize You are a Leader!

Feel Wonderful & Recognize You are a Leader!


Being a Leader is something YOU are Doing!  

Did you realize that you are a Leader?  Well you are if you are a boss, a parent, a teacher, a writer, an example to someone.  

Now we all need to follow well in order to encourage others.

What are your skills?  

Who has taught you well?  

What peers have helped you?  

What activates you to be better?  

We all need to continue learning and growing.

Helpful people are waiting to serve you.  Historians teach us by how they functioned and succeeded.  Read about people who once developed good habits.

Even Fictional Characters are Leaders, how do you compare?

Adapting and Carrying Through Projects

What are you balancing in your life?  Are there medical issues?  A business you run or contribute to on a daily basis?  Are you a parent, grandparent, or teacher?

Health, business, and development is ongoing, but we need to learn to like ourselves.   Appreciate yourself and make time to play! 

Develop yourself by watching children and how naturally they express themselves. Duplicate some of their habitats, laugh, and have fun.  

  • Find a new hobby.
  • Try something new.
  • Toss away fear.
  • Envision what you want.
  • Listen to tapes or recordings.
  • Master Good habits.
  • Find new purposes.
  • Mentor for someone you love.
  • Engage with people you value.

Be Grateful and Be Thankful for others.  Lift yourself Up by taking time to pray, read, and volunteer!

Get out of a funk by dressing colorfully.  It may be a good time to check your wardrobe and make sure it has a joyful selection of colorful items.

Surround yourself with Color!

Complete something you have started.

We are here for you. Call us if you like some individual care.  We are here to make you happier and listen to you. This podcast is on Apple, Spotify, SoundCloud, and here at www.lindagullo.com

Take the next step, it may put you on the escalator of success. 

Creating Good Relationships

Creating Good Relationships

Being Present for One Another

Make connections count!

  • Give one another space
  • Look at one another when conversing
  • Respond well and on time
  • Give others a pat on the back
  • Be supportive
  • Be willing to help spontaneously
  • Look for ways to redeem the wrong.

                  Feeling connected

Make each day count.

  • We don’t know what others are going through so we need to be patient and courteous.
  • Be kind to others at all times – Do unto others as we’d like them to respond to us!
  • Find opportunities to help others move forward and you’ll find yourself moving forward as well.
  • Give good feedback that is sincere and honest.
  • The power of suggestion may mislead you or take you down the wrong path.
  • Be aware of the media and ideas being shared with you.   Are you in agreement?

    We need to lean on one another!

“Elevate caring above competing.”   Stephen Covey

Clear Your Thinking & Feel Great

Clear Your Thinking & Feel Great

Clear Your Thinking & Feel Great

Creating headspace is so important.  It means having clarity to think, function, and communicate well.  It means one is able to read well and retain the material.  Or it is having a thought that turns into a behavior that is a positive one. Headspace allows us to enjoy our days and keep from procrastinating.  When we have good headspace we can think abstractly. 

A few months ago I had a hip replacement.   When I returned home a few hours after the surgery I was able to move, talk, and think fairly well, but it was obvious in the days that followed that I still had a “med” head.  Yes, medication had slowed me down physically, as well as, mentally.  I remember looking at the list of medications and the time schedule, but so happy my daughter was there to monitor it.  I was conscious of my movements so that I won’t pull myself out of place, but I was definitely not totally clear thinking.

This 6-year-old helped me recover.

My attention span wasn’t as long as normal either.  I couldn’t get into reading a book or having deep conversations.  The medication and anesthesia were still in my system.  As I came off of medications in the weeks that followed, there was a change indeed.  I  began to move more easily, and clarity in my thinking returned.  I was able to focus well on Sudoku puzzles and enjoyed picking up a magazine or two.  My desire to connect and be productive picked up immediately.   As physical therapy went on, I was able to drive, fulfill chores on my own, and get back into the office.  I gained the confidence to move ahead.

Medication however is not the only thing that brings on a fog into our thinking.  Often we have that fog in our minds when we are dealing with pain, grief, losses, or failing relationships.  So I plan to address some of these issues and suggest a few ways to handle them.

Let’s start with pain.   Pain comes into our lives in any number of ways.  We stub a toe, twist an ankle, have arthritis in our wrists, or suddenly are attacked by a back spasm.  We may have fallen and are recovering from pain in any number of places.   The pain distracts us and we try to deal with it.  We may see a doctor, get on meds, or try to exercise it away with physical therapy.  It takes more time than we expect to heal and distracts us from doing all the things we want to do or normally do. 

Pain is real and many people suffer on a regular basis.  The medications one takes can even cloud the person’s thinking more. So when you are dealing with pain, give yourself some space and consult others if you have a major decision to make.  Team up with people who have the skills or ability to help you.  Asking for rides like when I was coming out of surgery was a given.   I was not able to drive and had to be humbled.  Pain sidetracks everyone. 

Next is grief.  Grief is something everyone deals with in a different way. Often losing someone comes unexpectantly and there was no goodbye exchanged.   Having a loved family member die is a void that is dealt with differently by each person. Some people keep repeating That may leave a big hole and a lack of closure for a long time.   People around are not sure whether to bring up the situation and talk about it or avoid it. There may be silence when one really has the need to discuss the loss.   If you are a person who has lost a family member let others around you know that you want to talk about the loss—that you need to hear yourself say the things that keep bouncing around in your head.  Otherwise, people may be silent.

Of course, grief comes to us in a number of ways.   We can lose a pet that we are attached to for many years and that companionship just can’t be replaced.  That pet that kept you happy and chuckling isn’t around for you.  I recall when our Rosy died, I’d find a toy of hers tucked under a chair.  It was just another reminder of the joy she brought to me.  I thought of how I could honor the time we had with her and added something special to our garden.  I also gathered her medals and strung them together in a decorative way for our Delight Den 3 season house. I gave some of her things to another person who could use dog blankets, beds, toys, and bowls.

Losing a job is another big reason for grief.  Layoffs, pandemics, and other situations may be problematic.  Something that has given a person a meaningful purpose for a long time is suddenly gone.  The income is gone. Getting your mind wrapped around what step to take next may be rather difficult.  Be sure to share with others your needs.   It is not a time to be embarrassed and people may give you insights and leads you could follow up upon. 

Small moments can lift us up and give us hope!

If you are intentionally retiring make sure you have specific things to do.  Volunteering your time in the community, helping at church, connecting with friends, taking time to make short trips, learning to play an instrument, or whatever hobby you like may make the transition awesome.

Even if you are changing jobs it is wise to create a few days in between to catch your breath or unwind.   We see this is often the case when one finishes a semester of school in June and doesn’t need to jump into another curriculum filled with syllabuses and requirements in Fall.  It may be good to take a few weeks off and read a book of fiction and jog through the neighborhood.

Faith & Hope are valuable during difficult moments!

  In summary 

  1. We need to create headspace during times of taking medications or recovering from medical issues.   Recognizing the need will actually help you recover better.
  2. We need to recognize the need for headspace when we are enduring pain —a toothache, earache, broken bones, post-surgery, or even a simple cut that is distracting us from our routines and/or driving.  Knowing the pain is temporary is a great mindset.
  3. When one is out of a job, it may be time to consider learning a new skill or connecting with others.  It may be a blessing in disguise.  You may meet new friends, develop new interests, and even make your commute easier.
  4. When we have lost a family member, a pet, or a relationship, now is the time to recognize them somehow.  Perhaps plant a tree in their honor, donate in their name, or talk with a counselor about the loss.  Recall the good times and gather pictures you enjoy.  
  5. In times of a divorce, there is a shift in the people and the places you may have enjoyed.  Now is the time to make that shift with a smile on your face and stay connected.   Isolation is dangerous and makes one even sadder.  Don’t criticize or blame.  Accept the situation and move forward.
  6. Finally, it is essential to keep our thinking clear by recognizing who we connect with, the purposes for getting up every day, and looking for positive things to stay involved in.  
  7. Changes are happening in all respects and all the time.   Although they may not always be big changes they happen and call us to shift our thinking.  

Learn who are the people on your team.  Those that you support and those that support you.  Enjoy this week and move ahead.   I look forward to connecting again in two weeks.   Please share this podcast with other people who may help.