by Linda Gullo | Jan 2, 2018 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Variety
A calendar is designed as a way for us to keep order in our lives. Without the daily numbering system and the change in the days into weeks and weeks into months, we’d have no way to track ourselves. I thought about that this morning as I was making out a...
by Linda Gullo | Dec 27, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Podcast Episodes Play in new window | DownloadLegacy can be defined in many ways. What do you want to leave behind? Kate and Linda discuss the different ways people are remembered and encourage you to think about the...
by Linda Gullo | Dec 27, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
You want me to go where? That is what many people in the Midwest were thinking this morning as the dry cold winter weather was blowing outside. And well, maybe it pertained to the animals too! Their paws and hairless chests don’t appreciate the cold...
by Linda Gullo | Dec 22, 2017 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, The Spirit at Work, Variety
It is the circle and changing of the seasons that keeps me located in the upper Midwest. The brilliant greens and coming alive of all the flowers each spring are so refreshing. They call us outside to hear the returning birds and see the budding vegetation. It...
by Linda Gullo | Dec 18, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
By mid January, Merriment will have slowed down. We will all be in a different mind frame and looking ahead to more work, travel, or exercises. Are you ready for that change? Meantime, gaiety and fun is all around and I am taking it in. I love the colors, the...
by Linda Gullo | Dec 1, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
Planning Ahead is Really Worth the Effort. Some of these things I have learned firsthand and want to offer them to you. Succession Planning is a must for businesses. A sudden death leaves a business in shambles under the best of circumstances and can leave everyone...