by Linda Gullo | Apr 5, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
Have you ever experienced that the simplest task turns out to be so hard? It can be cleaning out a drawer, responding to an email, or typing up an agreement. It is that same feeling students get when they are taking a multiple answer or True/False test. All the...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 20, 2017 | Business Insights, Self Development, The Creative Edge, Variety
A red light turned on in the vaporizer last week. It is usually green and stays light. It began to flicker and then stay on red, not green. So did we just ignore it? Often one can find themselves in trouble if they don’t respect signs. Signs may be an...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 16, 2017 | Business Insights, Self Development
This past week I grabbed this spatula. It was “inclined” to be even more helpful then in the past because it is warped in a good direction. However, it wouldn’t help a left handed-person. I am not sure when it bent, but it took me by surprise. ...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 14, 2017 | Business Insights, Variety
We all use tape to get us through the day. Sometimes is is less obvious with scotch tape. Other times we need to have masking tape that can easily be removed without ruining something. Duct tape can fix numerous items, but it is also very obvious, so in recent...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 13, 2017 | Business Insights, Self Development
Taking Action is one of the best ways to get motivated and be productive. Here are a few thoughts to start moving. 1- Get the top 3 things on your list done well each day. If more gets done, you’ll be ahead of the game. 2- Connect with one friend each week...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 9, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
Somewhere along the line, we lose our ability to play. We get so involved in growing up, being productive, and doing the things on schedule that we forget to play and enjoy ourselves. We consume ourselves with work to the point of being buried. We forget to get...