Have you ever experienced that the simplest task turns out to be so hard?  It can be cleaning out a drawer, responding to an email, or typing up an agreement.   It is that same feeling students get when they are taking a multiple answer or True/False test.   All the exceptions in our head pop up and it makes the answer harder than it needs to be!

Well we all face that every day in making decisions.  Learning to be intent, concentrating on specific outcomes, and being realistic take time to develop.  We need to take self-control and discipline ourselves.   A major shortcut to doing this in by developing rituals, following systems, and creating new habits.

So let’s take rituals to begin with as an example in making decisions.   In school, we may start our day with the Pledge of Allegiance or a song?   Maybe in a parochial school, prayer begins the day.  In churches, people may all rise and greet each other to start the service.   At meetings, a gavel or bell may call everyone to attention.  Rituals are defined as a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone.   Rituals create chances for being fluid and learning easier.

Next we might create systems and follow them.   Systems are step-by-step procedures created for clarity and completeness.   When a system is followed well, anyone can follow and do it and the outcome should be the same.   When things are deviated from a system, the results are less efficient and incomplete.

There is a  simple way of creating new habits.   It means however, one must create your own steps for doing something well.   It may mean cutting out processed sweets and pastries with the intention of having a piece of fruit instead.   It could mean answering all calls with the same greeting.  Or as I have had to do in the last day, locking my car door in a different manner, so I don’t set the alarm off.   Each thing requires a new habit to replace a previous one.

Setting realistic goals helps us feel accomplished and helps us discern the answer to living a wonderful and productive lifestyle.   A lifestyle we are proud of and feel happy about each and every day.

Our animals learn rituals and live by them.   We also teach them systems.   Have you noticed they know how each person in the house responds differently toward them?   My dog knows what I am about to do, before I even do, on many occasions.   She lays down and waits.   Opportunities for me to teach her new things are always around the bend.  And habits make them easy to train.   It makes us our lives filled with opportunities of growth too.

So think about what you want to accomplish and use these ways to make life easier.  You’ll jump right into projects and get so much accomplished.   Is that something your need to do?   What are the things holding you back?  Are these good things to consider?

Blessings for your day.   Delight in Living!