Health and Lifestyle

Discover Strategies to Tame Anxiety

Discover Strategies to Tame Anxiety

In today’s episode, I explore a topic that resonates with us all—anxiety. Joined by my ever-wise companion, Pearl, we delve into the intricacies of this universal emotion and share practical strategies for navigating through it.

Key Points:

  1. Anxiety Knows No Boundaries: Regardless of age or experience, anxiety can find its way into our lives, causing tension and unease.
  2. Facing Fear with Caution: Even Pearl, with her intuitive nature, encountered a moment of anxiety when she stumbled upon a fallen hornet’s nest. Together, we cautiously approached the situation, turning it into a valuable learning experience.

    Pearl hesitated and showed anxiety when this hornet’s nest fell out of a tree.

  3. Tools for Coping: From mindfulness practices to cognitive behavioral therapy, we explore various techniques to help manage anxiety and reclaim our peace.


  • We embrace anxiety as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
  • The power of mindfulness in calming the mind and reducing anxiety.
  • Strategies for facing fearful situations with courage and resilience.

Tune in to the full episode to discover how we can transform anxiety into a catalyst for personal development and inner peace.

Embracing Growth: Journey into Personal Development Episode 249

Embracing Growth: Journey into Personal Development Episode 249

Hey there, welcome to “Mini Miracles from Minor Moments,” where we uncover the extraordinary in life’s everyday experiences. In this episode, I’m excited to share with you my journey into personal growth and development, exploring how even the smallest moments can lead to significant transformation.

Let me take you through how I got started in podcasting and why embracing new opportunities has been crucial for my own growth. As we reflect together on our desires to learn, travel, and seek guidance from mentors, I hope you’ll discover the endless possibilities that lie ahead for you too.

What’s been holding me back from pursuing my dreams? We’ll delve into those common blocks like fear and complacency, and I’ll share my insights on breaking free from comfort zones and embracing the desire to learn something new.

Spring fever has definitely caught hold of me, and my furry friend Pearl’s enthusiasm for playtime outdoors serves as a reminder for all of us to seize the moment and embrace life’s simple pleasures.

Here are some actionable steps for personal development that I’ve found incredibly valuable:

  • Starting a journal has helped me document my thoughts and aspirations, gaining clarity and direction.
  • I’ve learned to embrace change by identifying old habits and behaviors that no longer serve me and making small changes towards personal growth.
  • Reflecting on the mentors and role models who have encouraged and inspired me along my journey has been incredibly empowering.
  • Finding moments of solitude through prayer and meditation has allowed me to connect with my inner self and gain perspective.
  • Focusing on developing both personal and professional skills, like communication, has been instrumental in creating the life I desire.

Remember, even the smallest changes can lead to significant growth. By being consistent and intentional in our actions, we can create the life we desire and find joy in the journey.

Join me on “Mini Miracles from Minor Moments” as we embrace the journey of personal development and unlock the potential within ourselves.

Unlock Your Potential

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth? With our tailored coaching packages, you’ll receive expert guidance and support to help you thrive in all aspects of life. Choose the package that best suits your needs and let’s start this journey together.

Essential Package – $500

A Foundation for Life

  • Duration: 1 Month Program
  • Key Features:
    • Identify Your Objectives
    • Weekly Meetings
    • Available in Person on Site or Zoom

This package is designed to lay down a solid foundation for your personal and professional development. Through weekly meetings, we’ll work together to identify your goals and create a roadmap for success.

Accelerate & Blossom – $1200

Systemize Your Success

  • Duration: 3 Month Program
  • Key Features:
    • Update & Move Forward
    • Bi-weekly Meetings
    • Available in Person on Site or Zoom
    • Voxer Support Optional in Between Sessions

Ready to take your growth to the next level? In this program, we’ll focus on accelerating your progress and implementing strategies to help you blossom. With bi-weekly meetings and optional Voxer support, you’ll stay on track towards your goals.

Grow, Keep Upbeat & Up-to-date! – $2300

Customized Excellence

  • Duration: 6 Month Program
  • Key Features:
    • Custom Packages to Suit You
    • Meetings Every 3 Weeks
    • Available in Person on Site or Zoom
    • Voxer Support Optional in Between Sessions

Tailored to your unique needs, this program offers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional growth. With meetings every three weeks and optional Voxer support, you’ll receive ongoing guidance and support as you grow, keeping you upbeat and up-to-date every step of the way.

Unlock your potential and achieve your goals with our coaching packages. Contact us today to get started on your journey towards success!



The Profound Impact of Validation: Understanding Its Forms and Significance Ep 243

The Profound Impact of Validation: Understanding Its Forms and Significance Ep 243

Validation holds immense power in our lives, emanating from various sources—be it a spouse’s affirmation, a friend’s support, or recognition from a figure of authority. In Episode 243, we embark on a deep dive into the multifaceted nature of validation and its far-reaching effects.

Here’s a glimpse into the insightful discussion:

  • Unpacking the diverse forms of validation: from verbal acknowledgment by a superior to the heartfelt words in a note that affirm one’s purpose.
  • The pivotal role of validation in nurturing motivation and driving us toward greater achievements and excellence.
  • Exploring the emotional dimension of validation: how it cultivates honesty, fosters trust, and creates a sense of security and accountability in our relationships.
  • Understanding the transformative potential of validation during challenging phases, including health struggles and moments of stress.

Validation isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about receiving approval, experiencing pride, and finding reassurance in external acknowledgment.


“Validation may come in the form of a trophy or in many other ways!”

The Value of Repetition & Falling in the Pits MMEpisode 241

The Value of Repetition & Falling in the Pits MMEpisode 241

Embracing Repetition: The Key to Stability, Learning, and Meaningful Moments

In the hustle of daily life, we often overlook the power of repetition. It’s easy to dismiss the familiar actions we do over and over again as mundane or routine. However, these repetitive elements in our lives hold immense value beyond their apparent simplicity.

Foundation in Repetition

Consider this: the routines we establish form the foundation of our days. Whether it’s Linda diligently checking off tasks from her list or someone finding solace in the seasonal rituals, repetition provides a sense of order and stability. It’s the scaffolding on which we build our lives, allowing us to navigate the chaos more efficiently.

Creating Moments and Memories

Repetition isn’t just about tasks or schedules; it’s about creating moments. It’s the recurring gatherings with loved ones, the traditions passed down through generations, and the small rituals that make holidays special. These repetitions engrave themselves into our memories, becoming the cornerstone of cherished experiences.

Understanding and Learning

In the realm of learning, repetition reigns supreme. From childhood to adulthood, we learn through repetition. The adage “practice makes perfect” isn’t mere rhetoric; it encapsulates the essence of how repetition ingrains knowledge. It helps us recall information, understand complex concepts, and master new skills.

Unlocking the Power of Recall

Think about the joy of effortlessly reciting a familiar poem or instantly remembering a friend’s birthday. Repetition is the key to such effortless recall. It reinforces neural pathways, making information retrieval smoother and more efficient. This isn’t just applicable to mundane facts; it extends to significant life lessons and crucial knowledge.

Discovering Mini Miracles

Amidst the monotony of repetition, there are mini miracles waiting to be discovered. It’s the sunset witnessed daily, the morning jog that energizes, or the bedtime story creating a beautiful bond with a child. These small yet significant moments of repetition hold immense joy and satisfaction.

The Threefold Impact

They say hearing something three times helps it stick. Similarly, repetition allows us to grasp and internalize information better. It’s the reason why lessons are reiterated in education and why advertising often uses repetitive messaging—it works.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, repetition isn’t just about doing the same things over and over. It’s about finding rhythm in our lives, harnessing its power to instill stability, foster learning, and create meaningful experiences. It’s about embracing the beauty in the familiar and finding joy in the routine.

So, the next time you find yourself in the loop of repetition, pause and reflect. There might be hidden treasures of stability, learning, and joy waiting to be discovered within these familiar patterns.

2nd Part of the Episode is

Navigating Life’s Pits: Finding Strength in Adversity

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes it throws us into pits we never anticipated. These pits might come in various forms: financial struggles, family conflicts, sudden health issues, or situations that leave us feeling utterly out of control. In these moments, frustration and helplessness can overwhelm us.

The Tale of the Donkey

Linda shares a poignant story of a donkey in moments like these. Picture a donkey in a pit—when it falls into a hole, it initially struggles and panics, unable to fathom a way out. But rather than succumbing to despair, the donkey does something remarkable. It starts shaking off the dirt from its back and takes each shovel of dirt falling onto it as an opportunity.

Finding Resilience in Challenges

Similarly, when life throws us into a pit, it’s crucial to embrace the resilience within us. It’s about shaking off the negativity, dusting ourselves off, and viewing each challenge as a chance for growth. Instead of seeing obstacles as insurmountable, we can shift our perspective to perceive them as stepping stones to rise above the situation.

Embracing Support and Seeking Solutions

During these trying times, it’s essential to reach out for support. Whether it’s from friends, family, or professionals, seeking guidance and leaning on a support system can alleviate the weight of the situation. Additionally, focus on identifying solutions—breaking down the problem into manageable parts can make it less daunting and more conquerable.

Cultivating Resilience for Future Challenges

Life’s pits aren’t a one-time occurrence. They can appear repeatedly, each time testing our resilience. By navigating through one pit, we learn valuable lessons on resilience and problem-solving that prepare us for future challenges.

Conclusion: Rising from the Pit

Remember, being in a pit doesn’t define us; it’s how we rise from it that matters. The donkey didn’t allow the pit to become its end but rather used it as an opportunity to climb out stronger. Likewise, in the face of life’s pits, we have the resilience to rise, dust ourselves off, and emerge with newfound strength.

From Grief to Growth: Navigating the Stages and Paving the Path to a Longer, Healthier Life EP 240

From Grief to Growth: Navigating the Stages and Paving the Path to a Longer, Healthier Life EP 240

Do you ever find solutions to major problems?  We may not know where to start of how to proceed.  Who do we talk to and get information?  Today’s podcast centers on Living a longer and Healthier Life.  It begins with a few more comments on death as talked about a few sessions back and the Stages of grief we go through when we have lost a person close to us.  Often we revert to one of these.  It may take weeks, months, or even years to resolve the loss of a loved one.

    1. Denial:
      • Description: In the initial stage, individuals may have difficulty accepting the reality of the loss. There is a sense of shock and disbelief.
      • Behavioral Signs: Denial may manifest as avoiding discussions about the loss, pretending the person is still alive, or engaging in activities as if nothing has changed.
    2. Anger:
      • Description: As the reality of the loss sets in, individuals may experience intense emotions of anger and frustration. This anger can be directed at themselves, others, or even the person who has passed away.
      • Behavioral Signs: Outbursts of anger, resentment, irritability, or feelings of injustice are common during this stage.
    3. Bargaining:
      • Description: In this stage, individuals may try to negotiate or make deals in an attempt to reverse or alleviate the pain of the loss. This often involves seeking a higher power or making promises in exchange for a different outcome.
      • Behavioral Signs: Praying for the return of the loved one, making promises to change certain behaviors, or attempting to find meaning in the loss through negotiation.
    4. Depression:
      • Description: As the impact of the loss becomes more apparent, individuals may experience profound sadness and a sense of hopelessness. This stage involves coming to terms with the reality of the situation and the depth of the loss.
      • Behavioral Signs: Withdrawal from social activities, changes in sleep and eating patterns, overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair.
    5. Acceptance:
      • Description: In the final stage, individuals begin to come to terms with the reality of the loss. Acceptance does not mean forgetting or being completely “over” the loss, but rather finding a way to live with it and move forward.
      • Behavioral Signs: Re-engaging with daily activities, developing a new routine, and finding a sense of peace with the memories of the loved one.

    It’s important to recognize that these stages are not a one-size-fits-all model, and individuals may move through them at their own pace. Grieving is a highly personal and individual process, and people may revisit certain stages multiple times as they navigate their emotions and come to terms with the loss. Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can be beneficial during this challenging time.

Some may also suffer from guilt.   Linda shares some personal reflections on these topics.

Linda talks about recognizing others when they have had a loss.  We can’t compare, but we can adapt some the skills they used to get through difficult situations.

The second half of the podcast is on “Living a Long Life”. Some of these ideas may help you hit 100 and still be well.

1. **Develop new friends and keep the old:**
– Join social clubs or organizations related to your interests.
– Attend local community events or gatherings.
– Utilize social media platforms to reconnect with old friends and stay in touch.

2. **Enjoy your pets and let them help you stay active:**
– Take your dog for regular walks or hikes.
– Engage in interactive play with your pets, such as playing fetch or running around in the backyard.
– Attend pet-friendly events or join pet owner meet-up groups.

3. **Other groups remind us to get up and down off the floor daily:**
– Join a yoga or Pilates class, which often involves getting up and down from the floor.
– Practice simple body weight exercises at home, incorporating movements like squats and lunges.
– Engage in activities that naturally involve sitting on the floor, such as playing board games or doing puzzles.

4. **Interact with friends the same age. Stay connected. Don’t lose 15 years by staying alone:**
– Attend senior community centers or events to meet people of similar age groups.
– Use technology for virtual meet-ups, video calls, or online gaming with friends.
– Organize regular social gatherings or outings with friends to maintain strong connections.

5. **Volunteer and connect:**
– Explore local volunteer opportunities in your community.
– Join volunteer groups or organizations aligned with causes you are passionate about.
– Attend volunteer events to meet like-minded individuals and build connections.

6. **Eat well:**
– Plan and prepare balanced meals with a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
– Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day.
– Limit processed foods and focus on a colorful, nutrient-rich diet.

7. **Stay purposeful:**
– Set personal goals and work towards achieving them.
– Engage in activities that bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
– Explore new interests or hobbies to keep life meaningful and purpose-driven.

8. **Enjoy hobbies:**
– Dedicate time regularly to pursue hobbies you are passionate about.
– Join clubs or groups centered around your hobbies to meet like-minded individuals.
– Attend workshops or classes to enhance your skills and share your interests with others.

Coaching is for everyone and can help you get ahead.  Feel free to connect with Linda at 815-459-5161 or email her at

Unlocking the Power of Abundance: Inspiring Friendships and Two Book Review’s (Episode 239)

Unlocking the Power of Abundance: Inspiring Friendships and Two Book Review’s (Episode 239)

Happy Fall!   

We all live in a world with lots of materialism.   Advertisements are all around us to purchase something on the internet.  Fads keep us buying new stuff until we are overwhelmed with possessions and wonder how in the world did I get so much!   In the meantime, we are losing relationships and being fully connected to one another.

Below are five ways to improve and maintain strong connections in your relationships:

1. **Active Listening:**
– Set aside distractions.
– Listen with genuine interest.
– Reflect on what the other person says before responding.

2. **Quality Time:**
– Schedule regular one-on-one time.
– Engage in activities you both enjoy.
– Create technology-free zones for deeper interaction.

3. **Respect and Boundaries:**
– Communicate and respect each other’s boundaries.
– Discuss and agree on important boundaries.
– Be mindful of personal space and privacy.

4. **Effective Conflict Resolution:**
– Address conflicts calmly and constructively.
– Focus on the issue, not on attacking each other.
– Find mutually satisfying solutions.

5. **Acts of Kindness:**
– Show appreciation with small gestures.
– Celebrate achievements and milestones together.
– Provide support during challenging times.

By implementing these action items, you can actively work on improving your relationships and fostering a deeper sense of connection with the people who matter to you.

In today’s podcast, two Fictional books are suggested.  They are Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult as suggestions for your winter evenings.   Hope you enjoy them.

Take the first step, it may put you on the Escalator of Success!

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Making Life-Changing Decisions

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Making Life-Changing Decisions

When we are challenged by a problem, we may ignore the reality of taking action.  The things we end up facing things makes changes easier than we thought.  Our minds often create unnecessary visions and problems that do not exist.

Linda talks about the reality of facing hip surgery and the prospect of getting a 4 month old puppy.   Now that she did that she sees the blessings.  Decisions can be minor or major and we need to face them.

Self-doubting ourselves is something that comes across all the time.   Getting insights from someone else may be the best way to find help.  We often need to pray and think things through.  What is it that you want?  Why am I doubting myself?  Have I seen someone near me fail?

The quote Linda shared is “Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny!”

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Distractions 101 – Trying to Avoid Them!

Distractions 101 – Trying to Avoid Them!

Are you easily distracted?

Pearl turned 1 and she can be a distraction!

What gets in your way of accomplishing work?

Is it seeing something in the yard that needs attention? Like this Snowball bush!

How might being aware of distractions help you?

At this time of the year, there are surprise parties, work issues, phone calls, pets, road construction, and other deterrents.  Hope you recognize and can avoid some of the pitfalls!

“Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success.”


Acceptance: Self Confidence in the Making

Acceptance: Self Confidence in the Making

Acceptance: Self Confidence in the Making

On today’s podcast Linda talks about the definition of Acceptance.  In our lives we have to learn to accept a variety of things.  Unfortunately not everything is what we would like, but we learn to distinguish the reality of circumstances and how we might be able to change things along the way.  Using a series of personal experiences you’ll hear a few things that hopefully will guide you ahead. Sometimes we need to look outside of ourselves and see what is really going on.

Looking Outside to see the reality of what is happening!

Linda shares about a story about how a friend’s visit with her to learn about a program some 30 years ago gave her insights.  Her friend Sue accompanied her to an information center and afterward helped her accept going forward.

She also talks about accepting or rejecting medical advice.  How do you do what is correct?   What concerns do you have?

As always Linda invites you to give her ideas and topics.  Feel free to call 815-459-5161!  Asking for help is wisdom!!!

Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success.

Temporary Moments, Multitasking, and  Timeliness

Temporary Moments, Multitasking, and Timeliness

Temporary Times

Many times when people are going through difficult times I like to remind them that these times will pass. It is good to discuss the options and sorrows with others.   It helps to dissolve and resolve issues.  Temporary moments can also be moments of joy and then we need to share and multiply the happy moments because joy needs to be shared so we can engage in laughter and smile. If something difficult is happening to you, then it is good to share them with someone who can help.  They often help to carry the pain and lessen the times of struggle.

I also share thoughts about two visits I am anticipating when connecting with friends this coming week.  Of course, there are a few challenges and concerns coming up as well.  When things are going well it is actually good to write those down in a journal  It helps keep our minds clear and joy-filled.


Multitasking used to be something I did all the time.  Nowadays I try to focus on one thing at a time.  I find I do better when I concern myself with one thing at a time.  Studies have shown us that heavy multitaskers were less effective.  I just read on the internet that only 2% of the population can multitask and the other 98 % were unable to do so.  That tells us that most of our efforts are not really helping us.  Neurosciences tell us why multitasking does more harm than good.  Look around you and see how multitasking works for or against you.



What is the most stressful time of the year?   Does a specific season affect you more than other times?  Has someone in your family died and that date shacks you up yearly, or inspires you to respect a specific need?   

Is there a season that brightens you up like a month of birthdays in your family?  Or a season of traveling?  When are things particularly good for you?

What skills did you use?  Did you have a time when your memory was top-notch?   Linda shares how different opportunities allow us to accomplish things well.  What changes are you recognizing?

Timeliness gives us opportunities to grow.  We may be able to connect with people more or travel as we become empty nesters.  Perhaps car trips are now wonderful for your young children.   Look for what you are able to do now and absorb these moments.  Enjoy time with other people and develop new relationships as well.  Make memories that will keep you upbeat!

Thanks for listening today on these three different issues.  Please submit topics and ideas for the podcast.  Many of these ideas come to me through clients, community suggestions, and reading.

Take the next step forward, it may put you on the escalator of success.