Health and Lifestyle

Being Focused

Being Focused

Focusing can be a hard thing to do! Even the best of intentions can distract us. In this portion, Linda shares about losses that distract us! Sometimes we don’t want to concentrate on some loss and might intentionally try to focus on other things.

Are you concerned about your employment? Are you looking for specific insurance coverage? Do your children need your attention? Have you ever forgotten a load of laundry in the washer or dryer? When do you focus the best? Do you have a place you work best in? What distracts you the most? Is it children, the phone, or the computer that defocuses your attention? Are you a morning bird or night owl?

Dedicate a time and place to get things done!

When we are concentrating on something new or issues that require focus, we need to dedicate time to tackle them. Even a 10-15 minute window works wonder.

A 15-minute conversation talking with your spouses can keep a good window of communication open, but often the things we relish the most are lost because we haven’t shared our concerns or needs with those we love.

Charles Schwab was the president of Bethlehem Steel corporation back in 1918. At the time the company was the 2nd largest shipbuilder and steel, producer. Schwab was a wealthy man. He consulted a man named Lee who taught the Ivy Lee Method of focusing and hired him to work with those in his office.

The Ivy Lee method had the workers write down 6 things that needed to be accomplished within the day. They were instructed to work on the top task until it was finished and then proceed to the next one. Every day they did this. This kept the staff committed to avoiding distractions. Commitments make us accountable.

The American way of thinking has pushed many of us to multi-task. In doing so, we have lessened our skills for doing things well. To master something well we need to stay focused and consistent. Those who are great tennis players, piano tuners, or CPA’s use their skills repeatedly and with habits that call for attention.

Measuring progress has been a motivating way to reach a goal. You might ask how many steps or miles did I walk today?  Did I get two chapters read today? Am I down the extra 2 lbs this week?

By focusing, we are able to become healthier, more educated, or happier with ourselves. In the long run, we feel more accomplished and content.

Here is a brief summary:

1- Being persistent is one of the keys to accomplishment. Of course, one must still be humble and connected to other people. We need to be self-disciplined and feel deserving of what we are good at doing. FOCUS

2- Make a list and do the top thing, then proceed.

3- Gather together what you need for a project. Prepare for the task just like a painter prepares a room before painting. They bring in paints and set up tarps; they tape the areas that need to have straight edges. We too can set up whatever we need to focus and get our tasks done. Preparing for a job is halfway to completing it.

4- Make a list and cross off the accomplishments as you finish them. Seeing your progress in writing is very helpful. Note the wins so you feel better.

5- Focusing calls for concentration so put ourselves in the right frame of mind. Dress the part. Go to a place that allows you to concentrate.

6- Center yourself to do things well.  Prayer helps us move through difficult times. Hope comes from faith and encourages us to forge ahead. Take short retreats. These times can help us to be appreciative and develop hope.


Taking the first step forward may put you on the escalator of success! 

Transitions & Growth

Transitions & Growth

Transitions & Growth

Welcome to the podcast of Mini Miracles from Minor Moments with Linda Gullo which helps you move forward. No matter what you want to do there is a pathway to get you there. Whether it is growing a profession, being a good parent, or trying a new profession, there are ways to grow or improve.

Pathways for Growth

Are you trying to break habits and redesigning your life to become happier?  Just how are you doing that transition?  Whatever is working may be made even better. Linda offers suggestions to make our bodies feel better, as well as, creating life long relationships and connecting with people we enjoy. We may need to get back to reading or singing.  Perhaps playing an instrument or changing your profession?  What motivates you?  How do you warm up to doing a job?

First, “we make habits, and then our habits make us.” Charles Nobel

Learning to change habits takes time and trials.   This can be great fun.  Linda shares a story of doing grocery shopping that may inspire you to accept the circumstances around your habits.

Join one of our masterminds.  It is a weekly commitment that will give you balance and a good feeling!

Progress, perseverance, and energy help to create a level of success you may desire. Linda talks about these things.  What disciplines do you have in place? Prayer, meditation, eating, working?

Taking the first step may put you on the escalator of Success.

Linda’s own!

Imitating Children

Imitating Children

If you look around you, you’ll see that children are spontaneous and free.  They pretend; they fly through the air with joy and laughter.  We all need to go back to a time and place when we felt the same way.  What do you want to learn today?  What vision do you want to instill in yourself for success? How will you do that?  Will you go outside and play? Children are playful and creative.  They learn until they are stymied by adults. Are you childlike?  Are you happy doing what you do?  Can you take the simplest things like a stone and it make it magical?

Gifted children are defined as those that reflect the values of society. In an article on rethinking giftedness, many studies have occurred.  It makes me think that we are all gifted in some means.  Our ways of thinking, acting and engaging with one another depending on where we live and how we fit into our communities change constantly. We can develop our talents with joy and spontaneity.

For some of us, we want to be deep into nature.  We connect to the earth and its beauty through a hike in the country.  We walk into a cemetery to pray and meditate.  We pick up leaves in the fall, walk through puddles after a rainstorm, or shy away from anything that is fun.  We have learned to stop playing and just be serious.

Now is the time to rethink and play.  Just like kids trying to catch lightning bugs, you might try to catch the raindrops and pick the flowers. You might smell the dandelions and enjoy the shape of the weeds. This climate and pandemic are in many ways changing our response to life.  We can walk more out of doors.  We can connect instantly and visit online.  Enjoy today.  Just believe everything is perfect today. In so many ways that we can’t see, things are improving and making life the best.  Be childlike and free today.  Move forward with a new step!

“Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success!”

I am here to support you 365 days a year.  Let me coach and enliven your spirit.  It is never too late to enjoy life!


What are you Fishing for?

What are you Fishing for?

What are you Fishing for?

1- Linda shares a story from when she was a child. What are you fishing for?  Are you looking for a better relationship? Opportunities to travel? A new job or things to do? Are you looking for a new relationship?


As we go through our lives, our desires change. Our ideas of learning changes. We keep recreating ourselves, renewing relationships, and looking for balance.  Don’t let your dreams die!

2- What are you doing in your life to transition and grow during the Pandemic? Who do you know that has made a difference by setting up a non for profit, gotten involved in a new business, or started a new hobby? How are you contributing to history at this time?   Are you dealing with your health? What are the wins you’re taking in now?   Are you reading, taking courses, working on your yard?

3- Where do you get your information? Seeking out the correct news or the right books may make a difference in how we react.  Linda suggests being careful as to where you seek knowledge.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”  —Jimmy Dean

4- Jump in the try something new.  Recreate some are of your life on a new level.   Expand your horizons and what you want to learn.

Take the next step forward, it may put you on the Escalator of Success.

Being Focused

Recreating Yourself

Welcome to today’s Podcast on Forging Ahead with Clarity.

Part 1 is on how our days can go astray or in a different direction than we want them to go. It isn’t always a bad thing to get a different perspective.   We all can feel more accomplished.

Part 2 is on the Empty Nest. Linda shares a story about a bird’s nest that was in her yard. Like the bird’s nest, we all have new beginnings.  We have opportunities to create new things and enjoy all that is going around us. How we communicate with one another now after the pandemic is developing.  We are adjusting and learning new ways to adapt.   Linda challenges you to learn a few new ways.

Part 3 is about Patrick Lencioni who is a consultant, author, and excellent Christian Speaker. He wrote a new book called THE MOTIVE. I recently heard him talk about leadership.  Leadership as an Entrepreneur and as a Parent!  Check out his website the Table Group.

A New Opportunity for Life

Please follow us and recommend us to others.  Just sign in here or connect with Linda at 815-459-5161.

Part 4 Is about introducing Tony Robbins and his motivating content. It is about setting our own limits and learning about people he has encountered.  He shares people, books, and has great ideas that may help you. Making changes means remolding our thoughts and emotions. Some of our thoughts are no longer valuable as they used to be and we can shift. What things are limiting your goals are and what is limiting you?

Part 5  is a directive about accountability.   Who are you accountable to other than yourself? Being Accountable to a partner or someone you trust can be so valuable.  It keeps us on target.  It teaches us to be honest and to trust yourself too.  Ask questions.  Learn from being inquisitive. You will grow!

Part 6 is around the idea of success.  Is it getting a degree?  Reading a book someone has recommended?  It depends on where you are in life.  Success changes with each job, each relationship, and every goal.

Thank you for following us.  We want the best for you.  Have a wonderful and successful 4th of July!

 “Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success”

Growing Together with Love

Growing Together with Love

Good Morning and Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments Podcast 178.

This is merely a preview of what Linda shares.  It is not a word for word transcript.  Please listen.

Over the last few weeks, I have been learning a lot about skunks and the way they live. I have learned that they have this incredible ability to dig deep and hide. I have learned they self preen like a cat and don’t normally smell unless they are provoked, get hit by a car, or die. When they die, their muscles relax and they smell. This knowledge was given to me as I tried to evict several of them from under our front sidewalk. I learned they have their litters in May and can have up to about 9. Thankfully this event in our yard was the first in 43 years, and hopefully, it will be our last. Having said that they are really kinda cute, just not in our yards. We have so far eliminated 5 of them.  I hope our yard will be free and that they will not return for a visit next year.

Skunks Entrance

The reason I bother sharing this is that so many of the things we know about come from experience. Those experiences whether good or bad are what help develop the kind of adult we will become. Our thinking affects our emotions, our emotions affect our behaviors and the way we perceive others. Then our emotions affect our behaviors. Taking steps to improve our mental health is critical at every stage in life. During this difficult time of the pandemic and the recent issues with the killing in Minneapolis, we are all called upon to think of positive contributions to make things right. Many people ware dealing with losses of their jobs, their family members, or homes.

Natural Beauty

Unfortunately, vandalism, looters, and demonstrations are not helping our country right now. People are really hurting in many ways. So many people are without jobs and homes due to Pandemic. Those trying to establish businesses that provide jobs and help others have been destroyed by the coronavirus. It is hard to see the positive in any of this, but as we look back we will see things we have learned. Some are now trying to come back from the demolition of stores in our cities. We need to gather together and do what is good for one another and good for our country. We are all longing to be in touch with each other, to give hugs again, and to have family celebrations, weddings, and jobs and things that make us feel purposeful.  We need to gather together and do what is good for us and for one another.

John Budd invites you to our Mastermind that meets weekly on Thursdays at 10:30.

There is a special price now. Register now!

I am not a big movie watcher but have gotten better during this time with the virus.  Today I am sharing about the movie The Ultimate Gift.   The Ultimate Gift was a wonderful story.  We all need to learn about the gifts of money, friends, learning history, opportunities to learn about ourselves, the gifts of problems, and illnesses.  The gifts of laughter and family cannot be ignored.  There are so many gifts we all need to work on and cherish.  Drew Fuller, James Garner, Abigail Breslin |

Linda embellishes more on this topic in the podcast.

Schedule your appointment for the best in coaching here.

Get your Coaching Care here!

This section is on Less is best!  Less is sometimes more functional.   Linda shares a few personal examples here that may help you.

Linda embellishes more on this topic in the podcast.

Are you a rule follower?

Today I was listening to John Williams on WGN. I get a kick out or his speed jokes that he plays in the mornings to keep us all feeling good. Actually he plays them twice in the morning in case you miss them the first time. But one thing that he said was that he is a rule follower. I thought that was interesting because I had had a conversation with a family member last week about that. I guess I too have fallen in the category of following rules. I do it from the perspective that rules are usually meant to help society, families, and the average person from getting hurt or the rules help protect us from something or someone. In the case of wearing masks which were the context of John’s conversation today, I realized I wear a mask not only for me but for those around me and so I don’t bring anything home to my husband. We are responsible for others as well as for ourselves. People are taught in the army to protect their squadrons; they look out for one another as a family. So are you a rule follower and what is your perspective? I was also thinking about the rules we follow and the things we read.

Do you read the labels on the products you buy? Rules are there for our perspective and to protect us.  What is safe and what isn't.  We read things for our safety like on bottles of liquids.  We need to be aware!  

Linda embellishes more on this topic in the podcast.
“The more you get, the more you have.  The more you give away in love and service, the more you are!”

Take the first step forward, it may put you on the ESCALATOR of SUCCESS!

It’s Time to be A Chameleon

It’s Time to be A Chameleon

It’s Time to Be A Chameleon

Well, we know that many species of Chameleon Lizards change color. They do it naturally. Many chameleon lizards are really pretty too. They also sleep about 12 hours a day. On the weekly show of Death in Paradise, there is a green lizard named Harry. I actually read that Harry isn’t real. He is a computer-animated character, but he adds a wonderful aspect to the stories and I never realized how he was created. My reason for mentioning Harry is that he tries to help the Detectives adapt to the atmosphere and temperatures in their cabin. Animals of all sorts do that for us. In recent weeks, I have heard on the news that the dog shelters were emptying. Many of us love dogs and find them incredibly comforting. We all need to take some lessons from these creatures.

In today’s podcast, I am addressing how difficult it is to adjust to changes. It dawned on me one night as I laid in bed, that sleep and the ability to ease into different situations takes practice. It was 3 in the morning. I was an achy mess and my mind was very busy going over many of the situations in the current scene.

I decided to share some of these on the podcast because so many families are going through a crisis that can’t be resolved with the delete button like on a computer. Which would be nice!  Problems are often resolved with solutions that require action and time. Some actions are out of our control or require others to help us. We often do not know who to ask.

During this time of the pandemic, many families have lost their source of income and also their source of insurance coverage. Some people—and we do not really know all the numbers, have had this coronavirus in various degrees.  Look ahead to our FREE Workshop on Changes.

Natural Changes for Everyone

The interesting aspect of this is that life is continually changing. From the moment we are born we go through changes in our size, in the way we comprehend information, and also in how we move. We start over and over again in different ways. Our health care changes. We are given different shots to help us gain a strong resistance to diseases, we are exercising to keep us functional, and we are developing personalities.

We develop in the context of a family unit. We start having relationships with our parents, guardians, teachers, church members, and community influencers. We are meant to be with other people. So in these times with this pandemic, many of the comforts we have learned as natural and comforting are not that way.

People are not able to maintain the same levels of comfort. No longer are we going to the local gyms, calling friends to meet over coffee, or waiting for Friday’s to roll around. Our days are confused. Many in recent weeks have told me they don’t know what day it is. They don’t know where to get food. Parents with no experience are suddenly homeschooling and the kids are bored and filled with energy to move.

Changes going on this week in our family…

In addition to these changes that we can’t control now, we are also seeing other issues. I am going to share a few things going on in our extended family.

One involves one of my grandchildren. She is a young lady with three babies. Ages 2, 1, and newborn. She lives in a small basement apartment that has flooded this week.
The landlord was the only one who was able to navigate getting to them. He moved the family to a different location in another suburb. Of course, they lost everything and had no renter’s insurance. Their cars decided not to work with the flooded streets. These are not pleasant changes, but I hope they will be moments of seeing how nice others can be to them. Members of her mother’s church are helping them survive.

Talk about changes. I have a daughter who was tested for the coronavirus just like so many of you may have been. The tests were positive for her and one of the children showing symptoms. Now that whole family is under quarantine and accommodating to it all. They had been disinfecting everything, washing their hands a lot, and still contacted it.
Certainly, they have changes in their environment.

In our front yard, we are dealing with a wild animal of sorts. Originally we thought it was a skunk but there was no smell. Probably a groundhog that decided to dig out a portion under our front sidewalk and have a family down there. It has been weeks of dealing with various means to say goodbye to them. The sidewalk is at risk of caving in if we don’t try to resolve things.

Changes that surprise us…

Now there are pleasant changes all around. These are the Mini Miracles I love that help to sustain us. The first happened when a speaker I met in Franklin, Tennessee last year came up to me during a break. We engaged in a conversation about what each of us did and the things we wanted to grow in business-wise. I participated in his Mastermind for a few months and he graciously mentioned me in his Podcast. I will put in the link for these notes. His name is Scott Harvey and you may really enjoy listening to him. But for me, it was a delightful surprise and I thank him.

Changes call us to break habits and reprioritize. Note what is important to you. Then think about what habits stop you from excelling. For me, I try not to eat after dinner. It meant that snacks had to be out of my vision. The power of suggestion to eat comes from me seeing things. It also means that I just can’t have things around that non verbally invite me to eat them.

I also have a double-doored pantry that when I opened it would let me see all the snack items. I moved those items to a different cabinet and taught myself to grab the broom on the sidewall when I was being called to snack. I then go to the front step and sweep it. I literally say that I am sweeping away the problems and things that call my name.
I started that habit 15 years ago when my kids were teenagers. When I would worry about them or get upset about something, that was my go-to plan of action. In recent months with the pandemic and with my strange country animal visitors, I began again.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of change…
1-In the case of this virus, our cars are getting a rest.
2-We are able to walk or be resourceful of ways to exercise.
3-Our projects at home are being done. For me, I actually put in annual plantings that were a gift to me. The frequent rains have taken care of them. this morning I spray painted our mailbox and newspaper sleeve.
4-There is time to be with our children who are not in school. If you have no children or are away from family, it may be time for Skype, zoom, or Face time.
5-We have time to read, sleep, and think deeply or take a walk.
6-There is time to send out a card to someone you think about. Everyone likes mail and hopefully, it will be a treat for them.

Have a lovely week everyone! As a result of all the changes going on in our communities, I am starting a workshop on June 4th at 1 pm. That is an early Thursday afternoon. It is necessary to register for it, but it is starting out FREE and will hopefully offer ideas and positive techniques for these challenging times.

Check this out and join us!

As a result of all the changes going on in our communities, I am starting a workshop on June 4th at 1 pm. That is an early Thursday afternoon. It is necessary to register for it, but it is starting out FREE and will hopefully offer ideas and positive techniques for these challenging times.

Go to

Who Do You Believe?

Who Do You Believe?

Who Do You Believe?

In the recent 6 weeks, we have been getting news from around the world. Many people are chiming in as to who, what, and where things are occurring. I am of course talking about information on the Pandemic.  We get information from our governors, from our president, from our news stations.  Our local mayors are telling us their statistics and viewpoints.  Our businesses are suffering.  Our faith communities are trying to keep us up-to-date.

This past weekend, we celebrated Mother’s Day in a new way.   This is a photo of my mom.  It is actually an oil painting that was reinvented for this fun page.  My mother died many years ago and I still miss her daily.  My own children remembered me beautifully.   However, it was different from in the past when they would bring their families.  Together we would spend time in the yard, eat hardily, and joke.  Sometimes we’d work on puzzles or other family projects.  Sports might be on the television and a group watching the latest games.

So much of how we are interacting is different.   We are embracing the internet, talking on the phone, and doing things alone.  This is not how we were designed.  We were created to interact in person, to touch one another, to laugh, and have emotional experiences together.  Now tears are flowing as people go into situations alone that really didn’t need to be!

I have two friends who had family members in a hospital.  One of them then had a family member in a nursing center for several weeks.  In these cases, there loved ones were alone without anyone to advocate or share their problems and pains.  Our mental health is greatly improved when we can talk, laugh, cry, and share.  We hear ourselves expressing ourselves and refine our thinking during conversations.  We double-check our thinking and our behaviors accordingly.

In the course of conversations, we are able to figure out who to trust and how to sort out our thinking.  As adults, we have come to cleanse our opinions.  We are able to sort out facts.  We are able to read and learn by living in different situations.  What is bothersome to me is that young children are not able to be with their grandparents during this time, because it is said that children can become carriers of this virus.  And yet it is the older population that may be able to lend some wisdom on how to deal with this pandemic.

I don’t know where you are in this.  Are you an adult who has the responsibility to provide the money for the family?  Are you a spouse who is not able to be with your mate due to this?   Are you in a position to be in the workplace in a job that is at risk?  Are you part of a medical team like a nurse or hospital or nursing home person?  Are you concerned about getting the needs you have?  Are you doing without food or looking for shelter?   So many people are putting themselves at risk because of the basics.  Many are looking for some income during this time.

I know as a counselor and coach, I have been able to do some of my work online, and I am very grateful for that.  I also have an office that encourages people and holds comfort for them. To be honest with you I can’t wait to get back in here full time to see and to engage with people. To see their expressions and feel where they are at.

Back to the trusting component of this!

So who do you trust?   Is it a friend who always comes through for you?  That person who goes out of their way or offers to do favors for you even if it is inconvenient?  Is it a family member who shows unconditional love without knowing all the details?

For me, it is a combination of things.   Yes, I have a few friends that are available to me whenever I need them.  One lives far away, but can be reached in the middle of the night or whenever I would call.   Another is a friend who is older and wiser than I am who traveled with me to many places in the world.   We used to share money when traveling and a room with one another.  She was a safety factor for me and I was the same for here. To this day, we share the most trivial or most significant issues.

Then I had a cousin who died of pancreatic cancer years ago that I was tied into.  We would share profound happenings and just be there for one another.   We had shared as children many of the same holidays and family changes.   She was only 4 years older than I am, but I learned from her, yet we were so different.

On a broader skim of things, I look to people who are genuine and honest.  People who would not in any way intentionally hurt me. People who would listen and even though they wouldn’t agree with me would be kind, respectful, and honest.

Now in the past few years, I have become skeptical of outside information.   With the news media and social avenues we have available, we are definitely kept up to the minute on things happening all around us.  The problem I see is that we don’t always see things in context.  As a matter of fact, we don’t know if what we are being told is an opinion or a fact.  That makes one weary to believe.  On another level, I question if I am being primed to buy something.  Yesterday I was listening to a program on leadership and helping others, but in the end, there was a program that I would have to buy into.  I was totally annoyed and don’t think I will follow this business again.  It has happened several times so I guess I am a slow learner and now I don’t think I am trustworthy of this business.   I see them marketing all the time.

The news bothers me lately because everything seems tied to politics.  I am not sure I am getting the totally correct facts.   The intonation of the voices often conveys a message too.   My trust level has been diminished.  So where does one go for information?  It appears that we have to be discerning frequently and tied into many avenues.  I think it means we have to use common sense and see how it affects that way we react.  We need to see things in the light.

Getting clarity comes from light. The light that provides hope and encouragement for ourselves and others.

From a Counseling Perspective

  • Individually, we need to recognize our emotions. Our emotions are the basis for our behavior.
  • One needs to stay connected to a variety of groups of people and not be isolated from family, friends, and local businesses.
  • We need to see what we can contribute to help one another.
  • It is a good time to connect across the generations.  Talk with the younger and older people around you whether it is in a store or on the phone.
  • Be intentional about sharing whatever skills you have without a hidden agenda.
  • Listen and try to get the fuller picture.

Trust yourself, especially if you have lived through and survived with positive outcomes. Your gut feelings are often accurate.  I hope some of these thoughts move you ahead this week.  Don’t forget to take the first step forward on something you want to learn or do, it may put you on the escalator of success.





Today’s Small Insights

Today’s Small Insights

Today’s Small Insights

Well, I find I do my best podcasting and writing when I am physically active. With the Coronavirus keeping me at home like so many of you, I decided to start Spring cleaning. That requires bending, crawling and stretching. I completed one whole room, cleaned the floors and doors of two other closets and vacuumed the upper level of the house.
Now that spurred me forward. When I went to clean out the vacuum and throw out the towels, I discovered a gutter extension was away from the house. It called me to go outside and fix it. We had a snowstorm last night and the yard is a combination of wet and bright spring green. So odd.

A Mid-April Snow cover is melting.

I began to think about you, my clients, those that I counsel, as well as, those that are coached and realized we are all looking for new ways to be refreshed. The loss of hugs and gathering together over lunch or dinner has indeed changed us. We are missing the interaction and the conversations that lift us up.   By the way, feel free to sign up for our Pain workshop or contact us for coaching care.
Then I heard on the radio an hour ago a comment about the times in the 1950’s when Polio was keeping us inside. I recall those times as a child.  We couldn’t go to the small pools and had to be in during the hottest period of the day. I remember how excited my parents were when a vaccine for Polio was created.  I also remember the actual afternoon we went for the shots.  Sometimes we are slowed down by things of our own creation, but this was from an outside source and it had killed so many people.  Today this Coronavirus is doing the same thing. It has frightened so many of us and calls us to pray for a drug to help us.   Our lives continue to change, but the technology of today is now a valuable resource for us to stay connected. 

Know that we are here to help you through the changes.

Stay close in spirit! We support you and wish you well today!

Take the first step forward it may put you on the escalator of success. 

  Today that first step helped me get started with spring cleaning.  LOL

A Balanced Perspective

A Balanced Perspective


Finding perspective in trying times is a challenge. How has your life been disrupted during this outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can we help you process things? Here at the Delight in Living office, we are doing a lot of our contacts on the phone and thru zoom. No way do we want to leave you in a lurch.  If you are feeling the loss of control, or in a place of how to be more resourceful, chances are that you are not alone. All of us are in a new environment.  It is good for us to think about how we will accommodate. Self-care and taking care of our families is important.  Also teaching one another not to be selfish is the greatest lesson.

“Perspective is the only thing consistently more valuable than the answer itself.”  Andy Andrew

Steve Dotto teaches us online techniques. This is a time to teach one another. How to reframe thoughts. We are resourceful people. I am here for you to help you process things. A program on pain is coming up—how to deal with pain and things you are going to deal with. A program on “systems” is also coming up.

Taking Shortcuts

We all tried as children to take shortcuts. Here Linda discusses how we can’t always do that.  Shortcuts don’t always work.  That is when we are called to be responsible and look at the larger picture.   How do you take shortcuts? What is the destination you are trying to reach? Do you find things fall into place naturally?


Shortcuts don’t always work!

Dreams and Visions

We all need to have a purpose. This is a time to look at them.  Set a new series of goals. The question becomes, how can I help to be responsible. This is a time to teach one another balance. Variety in life reflects every area of our life. Eating is only one area in which we can do this. We need to learn boundaries; how to conduct business. How to care for our bodies and the expectations we set for ourselves.

Mini Miracles is designed to help you to stay in the moment. Keep balanced and feeling well is now a new focus for everyone.

Take the first step, it may put yourself on the escalator of success.