It’s Time to Be A Chameleon

Well, we know that many species of Chameleon Lizards change color. They do it naturally. Many chameleon lizards are really pretty too. They also sleep about 12 hours a day. On the weekly show of Death in Paradise, there is a green lizard named Harry. I actually read that Harry isn’t real. He is a computer-animated character, but he adds a wonderful aspect to the stories and I never realized how he was created. My reason for mentioning Harry is that he tries to help the Detectives adapt to the atmosphere and temperatures in their cabin. Animals of all sorts do that for us. In recent weeks, I have heard on the news that the dog shelters were emptying. Many of us love dogs and find them incredibly comforting. We all need to take some lessons from these creatures.

In today’s podcast, I am addressing how difficult it is to adjust to changes. It dawned on me one night as I laid in bed, that sleep and the ability to ease into different situations takes practice. It was 3 in the morning. I was an achy mess and my mind was very busy going over many of the situations in the current scene.

I decided to share some of these on the podcast because so many families are going through a crisis that can’t be resolved with the delete button like on a computer. Which would be nice!  Problems are often resolved with solutions that require action and time. Some actions are out of our control or require others to help us. We often do not know who to ask.

During this time of the pandemic, many families have lost their source of income and also their source of insurance coverage. Some people—and we do not really know all the numbers, have had this coronavirus in various degrees.  Look ahead to our FREE Workshop on Changes.

Natural Changes for Everyone

The interesting aspect of this is that life is continually changing. From the moment we are born we go through changes in our size, in the way we comprehend information, and also in how we move. We start over and over again in different ways. Our health care changes. We are given different shots to help us gain a strong resistance to diseases, we are exercising to keep us functional, and we are developing personalities.

We develop in the context of a family unit. We start having relationships with our parents, guardians, teachers, church members, and community influencers. We are meant to be with other people. So in these times with this pandemic, many of the comforts we have learned as natural and comforting are not that way.

People are not able to maintain the same levels of comfort. No longer are we going to the local gyms, calling friends to meet over coffee, or waiting for Friday’s to roll around. Our days are confused. Many in recent weeks have told me they don’t know what day it is. They don’t know where to get food. Parents with no experience are suddenly homeschooling and the kids are bored and filled with energy to move.

Changes going on this week in our family…

In addition to these changes that we can’t control now, we are also seeing other issues. I am going to share a few things going on in our extended family.

One involves one of my grandchildren. She is a young lady with three babies. Ages 2, 1, and newborn. She lives in a small basement apartment that has flooded this week.
The landlord was the only one who was able to navigate getting to them. He moved the family to a different location in another suburb. Of course, they lost everything and had no renter’s insurance. Their cars decided not to work with the flooded streets. These are not pleasant changes, but I hope they will be moments of seeing how nice others can be to them. Members of her mother’s church are helping them survive.

Talk about changes. I have a daughter who was tested for the coronavirus just like so many of you may have been. The tests were positive for her and one of the children showing symptoms. Now that whole family is under quarantine and accommodating to it all. They had been disinfecting everything, washing their hands a lot, and still contacted it.
Certainly, they have changes in their environment.

In our front yard, we are dealing with a wild animal of sorts. Originally we thought it was a skunk but there was no smell. Probably a groundhog that decided to dig out a portion under our front sidewalk and have a family down there. It has been weeks of dealing with various means to say goodbye to them. The sidewalk is at risk of caving in if we don’t try to resolve things.

Changes that surprise us…

Now there are pleasant changes all around. These are the Mini Miracles I love that help to sustain us. The first happened when a speaker I met in Franklin, Tennessee last year came up to me during a break. We engaged in a conversation about what each of us did and the things we wanted to grow in business-wise. I participated in his Mastermind for a few months and he graciously mentioned me in his Podcast. I will put in the link for these notes. His name is Scott Harvey and you may really enjoy listening to him. But for me, it was a delightful surprise and I thank him.

Changes call us to break habits and reprioritize. Note what is important to you. Then think about what habits stop you from excelling. For me, I try not to eat after dinner. It meant that snacks had to be out of my vision. The power of suggestion to eat comes from me seeing things. It also means that I just can’t have things around that non verbally invite me to eat them.

I also have a double-doored pantry that when I opened it would let me see all the snack items. I moved those items to a different cabinet and taught myself to grab the broom on the sidewall when I was being called to snack. I then go to the front step and sweep it. I literally say that I am sweeping away the problems and things that call my name.
I started that habit 15 years ago when my kids were teenagers. When I would worry about them or get upset about something, that was my go-to plan of action. In recent months with the pandemic and with my strange country animal visitors, I began again.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of change…
1-In the case of this virus, our cars are getting a rest.
2-We are able to walk or be resourceful of ways to exercise.
3-Our projects at home are being done. For me, I actually put in annual plantings that were a gift to me. The frequent rains have taken care of them. this morning I spray painted our mailbox and newspaper sleeve.
4-There is time to be with our children who are not in school. If you have no children or are away from family, it may be time for Skype, zoom, or Face time.
5-We have time to read, sleep, and think deeply or take a walk.
6-There is time to send out a card to someone you think about. Everyone likes mail and hopefully, it will be a treat for them.

Have a lovely week everyone! As a result of all the changes going on in our communities, I am starting a workshop on June 4th at 1 pm. That is an early Thursday afternoon. It is necessary to register for it, but it is starting out FREE and will hopefully offer ideas and positive techniques for these challenging times.

Check this out and join us!

As a result of all the changes going on in our communities, I am starting a workshop on June 4th at 1 pm. That is an early Thursday afternoon. It is necessary to register for it, but it is starting out FREE and will hopefully offer ideas and positive techniques for these challenging times.

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