
Who Do You Look Up To?

IMG_7253This was taken at the recent 2016 Swedish Days in Geneva, Illinois. I would imagine walking in a costume on stilts might be hard to do, but these kids seemed to enjoy the day and not care how this gent was able to get around.   He had a talent of juggling and entertaining the crowds.

Everything in life is relative. Think for a minute about successes in life.  If you are a student who always gets C’s and suddenly you get all B’s, that is success.  Often we make comparisons that just don’t make any sense by comparing ourselves to the wrong things.

When we are small we accept that others will tower over us.   We use our size to get into small places and play.  We recognize who are the bigger people around us that are good for us.  How do you feel as an adult?   Does your size even matter?  Are you confident in yourself?   I hope so, for you are one of a kind; talented and gifted in your own way.

For most of us we have learned to accept our size and see other things are more relevant.  We learn to focus on our work, our interests, and our friendships.   It is a good thing to enjoy life and be accepting of what comes our way.

But who do you look up to as a role model?  Is it someone who has really worked hard to succeed?  Is it someone who started out with basics and worked diligently to earn a degree or get into an industry because of hard work and no play.

We need to make the most of our talents. Being a good teacher, playing the guitar, building a deck, or being a nurse are all needed professions.   We need people who can care for our yards; dentists and doctors to care for us and technicians to take care of our vehicles, computers, and homes.  Librarians are skilled at helping us learn through the power of books and reading.  Teachers are prepared to teach different subjects and grade levels.   People in sales are adept in marketing and make us eager to buy cars or purchase clothes.  Find a mentor that can help you become your best!

There are so many more things to learn about too.  I am learning that there are many aspects of sharing information.  As you can see I am learning to Podcast.   The task is harder than I knew, but I will succeed and hopefully pass on some good ideas for you to hear.  I want to be inspirational for you.   One of my business acquaintances said he calls me “The Catalyst”.   Wow I was surprised and yet excited that he gave me that title.

We need the fast athletic people for our sports teams and the petite acrobatic individuals to entertain us at the circus.   I guess what I am trying to say is that all sizes and shapes are invited and regarded with awe when it comes to living a healthy and happy life.   We can join together to serve one another and enjoy every day.  We can learn who to look up to and how to really recognize our Blessings!

Contact me with ideas for topics at





Monumental Moments

Monumental Moments keep happening and it is important we celebrate them regularly.   Life  is filled with so much sadness and people are working 24/7; we need to bring in joyful events.  We recently had a family gathering where we celebrated 2 adult birthdays, 2 graduations, and 3 fathers for Father’s Day.  Somewhere in the mix, I received a couple belated Mother’s Day hanging baskets of flowers, as well.  So very welcome!

IMG_6513The best part of the day was just being together.  Everyone finds their place after eating.   Kids ran out to play in the yard along with a few siblings.  Others landed in front of sports games on the television.   A couple people zonked out and fell asleep for a half hour nap.  Dad was thrilled to sit on the patio swing with a cigar.  Definitely a rare event for him to have a smoke these days, but one that he thoroughly enjoyed.  He was kept company by an adult who kindly began weeding the patio gardens for us.

Even though it is just for a few hours, it is a nice break to catch up with family.   Everyone is busy with work, kids events, and rushing around.

I couldn’t help but think about the nostalgia of this bench that one of our smaller grandchildren was playing on.   I had scraped my knees on it several times when it was at my Grandmother’s house years ago.   It came from their Indiana farmhouse and was made by my grandfather some 85-90 years back.   It probably has witnessed many family gatherings.

We all survived the afternoon without an major trauma.   Our yard was pleasant; no buzzing bees to escape from on a warm summer day.   The mood was light.   The youngest baby of 6 months had fallen asleep for an afternoon nap.  My daughter began showing her 5 year old a Caterpillar.  Of course, she wanted to keep it as a pet.  LOL  Her mom explained it needed to be free to turn into a butterfly.  It was safely placed back on a leaf to develop. It was a simple, but cool moment.

Family is a real gift that I refuse to take for granted.  Tomorrow we celebrate 48 years of marriage and its been a remarkable life of good and bad moments.   There is much to rejoice about when I see how fortunate we are with grandchildren and easy going Sunday visits.

May your summer days be blessed.   Delight in Living!

We love to hear from you.   You can send us ideas for topic and comments to


Diary of the Mind

Years ago I taught a course on Journaling.   I think it helped me more to teach it than I knew at the time.   It was called Diary of the Mind.   Our minds are like diaries that list data, record events for recall, and filter our thoughts.  To clean house and empty our minds of data can be done by writing things down.   We are able to purge the things that are unhealthy and hopefully keep some wisdom from our  experience.File Jun 10, 11 58 26 AM

A journal can help us to take charge of our own thinking.   By writing things down we find “ah-ha” moments.   Our feelings become noted and they don’t then take over by oozing out into bad behaviors. Some people only act on their impulsive thoughts; that can be dangerous indeed.  It is good to think things through and then call in the heart to react appropriately.

If you journal regularly, you have probably set up a template of sorts without even knowing it. One can create a series of stepping stones to help process otherwise intrusive thoughts.   The process removes confusion and replaces it with some order.

In school we may be taught to write.   Many times we take creative writing or specific English classes to teach punctuation and grammar.   How I wish more teenagers were taught to put things into lists and formats to help them create clear thinking .

When children are small they line up their tiny toys in rows.  They are encouraged to sort and stack things.   If we can transfer those physical behaviors into meaningful thought patterns, it would help.   Parallel thinking and replication helps us write.

My father left behind around 20 years of  journals with what he spend or what he did.  Often they only had an entry or two.  As he got older the entries became more feeling.   I have over the years reread certain parts of them.  What a great insight and closeness I have been given.

Hope you’ll jot down things for your children or family members as well.   Blessings for the day as you “Delight in Living”.


Dealing with Disappointment

Have you run to the mailbox for something special and find it isn’t there?  Or checked the front door to see if a package has arrived? Have you listened to hear the phone call ring telling you good news about a job?  Have you had to put off a vacation or trip due to a bigger issue?

The best of intentions go astray.  So I bought a new little car 2 months ago for running around town.  Suddenly, my Bluetooth isn’t connecting so I go into the dealer.  Two men there seemed to think I did not know what I was doing and went through all the steps I had already done. Um.   They had the same results, um!

The 2nd man told me the car needed a software update and that I needed an appointment.  They were booked for the next 4 days, so today I go in for my 10 am appointment at 9:50 and sit there waiting until 11:30.  They tell me the update will take two hours and drive me to my office so I don’t have to wait there.  Note it is already 1 hr and 40 minutes of my time.

This is my day off, so to speak. They also tell me my phone is ahead “software wise” from that of the car.   So it still may not work; that’s to be seen!  So I am here in the office catching up and trying to be productive.  I already needed to change plans twice today.  Little frustrations seem to be more annoying at times than the bigger ones.

Well obviously sometimes the things we anticipate aren’t all what they are cracked up to be!   Hidden blessings can come from unexpected phone calls, emails, or visits. What doesn’t happen is better!  Detours are not all bad!  In the process of waiting or postponing, better things come along.  I am thinking that at least the software on this car will be up-to-date for now.   IMG_1774

Doris Day made a song popular in the 50’s called Que Sera, Sera.  Whatever Will be, Will be!  I think of that often when I start getting frazzled that something isn’t going my way and it really helps.  I will be humming it today!

On the upside, Rosy seems to be improving.  The sun is shining.  I am excited to see one of our Grandchildren graduating from High School this weekend.   While she is closing down one chapter of life,  a new one can begin that is filled with hard work and promise ahead.  Congratulations to her and all those other graduates this season. May there be lots of hope, health, and joy ahead!

Hoping you can see  good things in your life too.   Perhaps your software is up-to-date, weather is top notch, and some good things are going your way.  Stay well and  “Delight in Living”!

Dealing with Everyday Trials

Dealing with Everyday Trials


Rosy as a 6 year old dog watching the summer waterfall.

So we adopted a year old American Bulldog 7 years ago–that’s right she is now over 8.   She has charmed her way into our lives from the very beginning by her sweet disposition.  She immediately knew she belonged to us when she jumped onto this swing to sit next to my husband.  It’s been her perch ever since.

Well this week has been tough for her.  She had what we thought were a few minor skin tags and a spot on her side.  Instead the issues became more serious with a growth in her mouth.  2 teeth had to be removed too.  A biopsy of the spot on her side is being sought.   Concern is that this could be more than we expected.

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This past week after a ride in the car!

For all the dog lovers out there, you know  what concern we are living through.   Our pets become our children in many ways.   They are part of our family; sharing in our joys and daily rituals.  We become invested in them.   For us Rosy is more than a dog.  She is an alert alarm for my husband and a source of affection for our extended family.  We are grateful to have her in our lives.

So after talking to a dear friend, I immediately remembered how necessary it is to just “deal” with things and move on.   We sometimes get too bogged down in the daily stuff that comes our way.   Things work out and are temporary at best.

What are you dealing with today?
Can you talk with someone today to help cope?

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Yesterday was surgery and today is preventing her from licking her sore legs and side.

Who do you go to for advice to pull yourself out of the pits?  Are you able to find time to get away from the problem or reframe it?  Volunteering a few hours of time really helps remove us from our “pitty party”.

What have you learned from pets in your life?
We once had a cheerful parakeet.   I think it died from a draft during a renovation project; I was devastated.  I  learned the hard way to protect our pets from drafts.  They are vulnerable and trust us to care for them.

What family issues are preventable?  Forgetting to get gas or locking our keys in the car could be prevented.  Do you create your own issues that turn out affecting others?   My husband often forgot to put gas in the car (and we owned a gas station).  It meant my going from DesPlaines to Chicago to save him. LOL.   And I am guilty of the the key situation on a couple of instances too.   My son saved me twice.  We all make mistakes that clutter our daily lives.

What can you do to change your situation?

Do talk with other people.   Get different perspectives.   Go through things with thought and strategize when necessary.   Just remember to “Delight in Living”.


Teenagers – Part 3

Part 3.  Parents

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We all need to be “propped up” like this basket! Let your friends and resources work for you to provide support!

Adults don’t always recognize that their teens have lots of decisions to make that their generation did not have to make.  Unfortunately, our youth doesn’t have the firsthand experience available to make selections wisely.  Their impulsive decisions may end up on the poor side.   So often they forge ahead blindly or accept advice from their peers who are just as confused or impulsive.  Some seem downright lazy and others are so boldly motivated.  What gives?

Even in large families, each person develops at their own rate; they have their own character.  Tall, thin, stout, loud, passive, serious, or humorous can be qualities or determining identifiers that stick with us for ongoing years.

Somehow, we all make it through those teenage years.   Some of us are lucky and have fewer regrets from our choices.  Others realize they learned so much during those years. They are the great investors, worker bees, or community leaders of today, because of their mistakes or encounters with difficult issues.   It is only when we are parenting teenagers ourselves can we appreciate the struggles going on.

To those mom’s or dad’s reading this, your teen will eventually come out of this phase and develop into a beautiful butterfly.  Patience is a virtue and one that you will refine during this time, for we are also continuing to grow and mature.  When we are in walking along the pathway with teenagers as parents, instructors, or counselors, we fill in the gaps of our own teenage years.  We correct some of our own distorted ideas and refine our thinking.

As adults guiding youth, we all need one another. We need to be supportive; not jealous or judgemental.  Prop up your friends and relatives, who have teenagers, with encouraging words and help out when possible.  Especially if you have younger children.  Soon you will appreciate the help.  Not all kids are the same and not all will be like their parents.   It is a long and tedious journey.

Be aware that Graduation from High School is only the first portion of the road to adulthood.  There is more to come!

Have a great weekend, “Delight in Living”.

Teenagers Part 2

Teenagers – Part 2

Yesterday as I was rushing out of the bathroom, my towel hit a glass clock in the corner of the counter.  I stood it up and exited.  Last night as I removed my makeup and washed my face, I didn’t pay any attention to it.  During the night in the light of the nightlight, I File Apr 01, 9 47 43 AMhad trouble reading it and fluffed it off.  I figured it had stopped and needed new batteries.

It wasn’t  until this morning that I realized the clock was upside down.  Teenage years are often that way too.  Things are upside down too for a few continuous years.   Life as we know it flips.   People and their attitudes become foreign and changing.

Teenagers are disconnected as they try to fit in with one another.  Friends change and groups form.  Their relationships with Mom or Dad or siblings change.   Attitudes of non compliance or rolling of the eyes at every suggestion occur.   Learning becomes more difficult.  Trying to be independent meets with making mistakes and embarrassment.  No one seems to understand.    Responsibilities are often too much work.

During these times, some teens just forge ahead while other shut down.  Parents get jarred.  All these reactions that they anticipated coming now are happening in spurts.   It is troubling and one cannot decide if this is natural or a bit more serious.  Paying attention and cutting off negative habits isn’t a bad idea.  But how does one really know what is appropriate?

Which takes us to the society in which we live.  We must stay connected with schools, clubs, activities, agencies, and our local park districts.  We need to take advantage of the services all of these places offer.  Our needs may be changing, as well as, those of our children during these teen years.  Marriages, occupations, spiritual, and financial arenas are all evolving.   We must participate for ourselves and our families.

Next to Part 3–a few more thoughts to help you “Delight in Living”!

Teenagers or Parents? Who Earns the Diploma? Part 1.

Part 1 -Teens

Teenagers are like caterpillars.  They are growing, stretching, and developing.  As they struggle to become an  adult many feel ugly, uncoordinated, and awkward.   They are growing at their own rate and finding their own way.   Some are hidden from danger during this time and others are vulnerable to dangerous prey.

I love teenagers and their enthusiasm to be independent. They are facing a set of circumstances we can only see from an adults point of view. We watch them determine which children will be their friends.  We see them try to concentrate, and forge ahead through school and activities. Power struggles begin to emerge.

They explore areas of sex and morality.  Their choices may be contrary to their parents.  That is hard for the adults around them who have set good examples. Conflicting ideas are difficult to discuss at this time, because “parents just don’t understand”!  Lingo changes, song lyrics take on a voice of their own.  Styles and hairdo’s become the fad.  Families become fragmented.  Parents try to protect the younger offsprings from the language and attitudes of the older kids.   Tension evolves. Parents who are going through mid life issues or dealing with ill parents themselves are caught in between.File Mar 28, 6 34 13 PM

Mentors, good friends, counselors, and teachers are often sought out to help resolve these areas of pressure filled concerns.  Good resources for parents may be more necessary than once thought.   Trying to stay out of some centers of conflict may be more helpful than getting swallowed up by them.   Letting our youth struggle to get out of their cocoons is better than breaking them out too early.   Struggling gives us time to gain strength and prepares us for future times of endurance.

From Junior High to High School we begin anew.  Our teen is joining with students from a different radius of the community.  They are being exposed to different dress styles, learning the layout of a new building, and meeting teachers who may have expectations of them that are different from what they’ve experienced.

Being prepared as a parent is ongoing.  When do we step in and when do we let them fly on their own?  Knowing your own child is half of the battle.  Knowing the scene in your school and community is relevant.  If one is not already immersed, now is the time to know the situation and become involved in a circle of friends and organizations.

Stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3.  Meantime, “Delight in Living”!




This is the Day the Lord Has Made. . .

Living the Dream . . .

So often I hear the line, “Living the Dream” and  I wonder if people are saying it sarcastically or with reverence.  Living each day fully and with wonderful housing, food, education, and responsibilities is living the dream to me.  I like variety.  I enjoy having opportunities to be with friends and family.   To play with the dog, drive to the grocery store, and attend church make life sweet.  Having nice neighbors is also a blessing!

For me I am grateful for every day.  Actually I am grateful for many things.  Each night that I have a comfortable bed to sleep in ranks high in my list.   We all need good sleep and a peaceful place to rest of weary heads each night.

I am grateful for my husband, children, grandchildren, and close friends who care about me and those around them.  I am thankful for the business people who are helpful and continually mentor for me with good values.   I enjoy them.

I am grateful for a fun day yesterday with my daughter who took me to see West Side Story at Paramount Auditorium in Aurora.   We enjoyed a Sandwich at Ballydoyle, an Irish Pup downtown.   Took us back to our journey to Ireland!   Pure Joy!   Sometimes it is good to try new places, see new things, and refresh old fond memories.

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I wish you a “grateful day”; one that is rich in the things that mean a lot to you.   Delight in Living as the new week prior to Easter begins!



Who Knows?

Who Knows?

Everyday brings new surprises and continues to amaze me. I got up rather early today to the clock radio.  I shut it off and made my bed, then headed to shower and stated the day moving forward.  When I returned to put on my makeup, the talk show was about politics.   I began flipping to find some music, but couldn’t find anything but news. I shut it off.  It was just too early and not what I needed!  Instead Rosy got my attention; she is a sweet calming presence!Rosy & Mom

I headed out to babysit and visit with my daughters family. It was a pleasant hour ride.  I listen to Satellite radio and called in a show today to offer an opinion about a family matter.   It was rather fun.

There is nothing as precious as being with a 12 week old baby and watching their little personality blossom each week.  Our oldest granddaughter, a college senior  was home and a big help.  It was nice to have the adult company.
I returned to my office to pick up mail, answer phones, and catch up on the days events.  All pretty routine things to catch up to date.

The last important thing to do was return a letter to friends in Nebraska.  A couple we met in 1968 while my husband was in training with a large company has kept in touch with us ever since by mail.   Our lives have paralleled one another with the birth of children, graduations, and family events.  A sad note arrived telling us the husband had died.  I took some time to write a short letter and send out the card.

The day continued on the fast track with personal stuff in the evening.  Including the purchase of a new car.  Very exciting.  It was topped off with a visit to our son and his family to show them our new purchase.  A perfect day ended as we came home. Fog was everywhere, but we were safe. The weather was warm and pretty outside. Who would have known a day could be so jammed packed and complete?  We all need to embrace the minor moments!

Tomorrow is a voting day.    Delight in Living.