Dealing with Everyday Trials


Rosy as a 6 year old dog watching the summer waterfall.

So we adopted a year old American Bulldog 7 years ago–that’s right she is now over 8.   She has charmed her way into our lives from the very beginning by her sweet disposition.  She immediately knew she belonged to us when she jumped onto this swing to sit next to my husband.  It’s been her perch ever since.

Well this week has been tough for her.  She had what we thought were a few minor skin tags and a spot on her side.  Instead the issues became more serious with a growth in her mouth.  2 teeth had to be removed too.  A biopsy of the spot on her side is being sought.   Concern is that this could be more than we expected.

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This past week after a ride in the car!

For all the dog lovers out there, you know  what concern we are living through.   Our pets become our children in many ways.   They are part of our family; sharing in our joys and daily rituals.  We become invested in them.   For us Rosy is more than a dog.  She is an alert alarm for my husband and a source of affection for our extended family.  We are grateful to have her in our lives.

So after talking to a dear friend, I immediately remembered how necessary it is to just “deal” with things and move on.   We sometimes get too bogged down in the daily stuff that comes our way.   Things work out and are temporary at best.

What are you dealing with today?
Can you talk with someone today to help cope?

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Yesterday was surgery and today is preventing her from licking her sore legs and side.

Who do you go to for advice to pull yourself out of the pits?  Are you able to find time to get away from the problem or reframe it?  Volunteering a few hours of time really helps remove us from our “pitty party”.

What have you learned from pets in your life?
We once had a cheerful parakeet.   I think it died from a draft during a renovation project; I was devastated.  I  learned the hard way to protect our pets from drafts.  They are vulnerable and trust us to care for them.

What family issues are preventable?  Forgetting to get gas or locking our keys in the car could be prevented.  Do you create your own issues that turn out affecting others?   My husband often forgot to put gas in the car (and we owned a gas station).  It meant my going from DesPlaines to Chicago to save him. LOL.   And I am guilty of the the key situation on a couple of instances too.   My son saved me twice.  We all make mistakes that clutter our daily lives.

What can you do to change your situation?

Do talk with other people.   Get different perspectives.   Go through things with thought and strategize when necessary.   Just remember to “Delight in Living”.