Little Surprises Are Sweet

Doing blogs on a regular basis has made me aware and so appreciative of life.  That is because I have become more observant and intentional about daily events.   Things change from day-to-day and in so many ways.  Little things that happen really do impact us and can...

Squeaky Clean

A few months ago I recall listening to an interview on Sirius Satellite. A man was talking about his childhood.  He was from a poor African community.     The family did not have enough clean water to drink and also lacked food.  The children often drank contaminated...

The Power of Big

Even the smallest child can use so many things that give them power.   Just look at our youngsters as they pick up the cellphone or  I Pad.  Watch the smallest children work software on toys or computers.  Children are using pieces of equipment that allow them to do...


R-E-S-P-E-C-T Lately it seems that the idea of respect has taken a leave of absence.  I noticed it firsthand this week when I was about to cross to the parking lot outside of a store.  I hesitated.  Thank goodness, because the driver zoomed across in front of me. How...

Found by a Curb

Life is a funny thing.   Sometimes when we least expect it, we find a treasure.   It can be something that we lost years ago and it magically appears between two drawers or in an old purse.   On a very windy day many years ago I was in downtown Crystal Lake. I pulled...

Pope Visits World Youth Day

While so much sadness and fear sweeps around the world in sadness, there is a Youth Rally going on  at Jasna Gora in Czestochowa.  This is the site of the Black Madonna; a place of hope and miracles. Over the years the cities of Warsaw and Krakow have also become well...