A few months ago I recall listening to an interview on Sirius Satellite. A man was talking about his childhood.  He was from a poor African community.     The family did not have enough clean water to drink and also lacked food.  The children often drank contaminated water from streams.  He was one of the lucky ones not to die.  Although he  was just a small child,  his brother died from these conditions. Conditions that were deadly to so many.  By attending school, he would be fed by Catholic Relief Services once a day.  Ultimately, that one meal each day saved his life.

He told a story of his first trip to  America.  When he first encountered an American bathroom he did not know how to turn on the faucets and someone had to show him.  To see water come from a shower spout was magical.  I think it must have been a miracle for it spurred him on to eventually develop a strong faith, marry, and have a healthy family.   He never forgot his village or the pain he felt, but instead turned it into helping others.

So from that story I flow into the next thought channel here.  There is nothing finer than to work physically hard and then get into a refreshing shower and lather up!   My father was a hard working man who would relish a nice warm shower.  He even built a simple cylinder style shower  in our basement so he could freshen up when he’d come in from yard work. Sometimes the best invention is the mother of necessity!

We all take so much for granted.  My mother used to make her own soap and would remelt the left over pieces to save money.  I have always loved the smell of fresh soap.  It is renewing and a pleasure to use.   I prefer the bar of soap rather than the liquid form.  It is a tangible reminder of how lucky we are to have hands that work and minds that function well too.   How about you?  Do you have stories and subtle things that bring you back to reality?File Aug 07, 11 07 43 PM

Now why this topic?  Authenticity and Back to Basics helps me focus.  We begin with learning our A, B, C’s.  We delight in different tastes as infants.  Our desire to touch and feel textures begins as we scratch the sheets or clutch our favorite blankets.  Our toys make pleasant and entertaining music.  And we are attracted to our favorite places by smell.

The aroma of vanilla in cookies and ice cream draw us into the local Baskin-Robbins, Culvers, or  Frozen Custard stand.  We  toss these delights into our grocery carts along with our necessities. Maybe these are your necessities–LOL!  The ginger and chocolate in baking entice us to blend it into our recipes.  How precious it is to have senses that work and give us great joy.  Already I am thinking to the cinnamon and apple smells that come to us each fall and winter.

All along the journey of growing, our senses lead us into places of safety or keep us from danger.  The smell of incense during a church service may make us sneeze, but in religious rites it is used to keep demons away!   The smell of candles at a dinner give us a feeling of romance and adds to the ambiance. The aroma of flowers bring an fragrance of beauty into our homes for us to enjoy. Thankfully we are able to soak up the goodness our senses provide for us.   We avoid the fumes of gasoline, the smell of gases, and the smoke.  So with the good we also avoid the bad!

What are the good and the bad things in your life right now?  What are the things you can focus upon and be grateful for receiving?  Where are your mini miracles today?  Search them out and be surprised at what you find.

We are called to enjoy life so becoming more aware of what is around us helps us to keep safe and helps us watch out for one another when our senses decline.  May your day be one of clean smells and beautiful blessings!