I Can’t See! What Do You Need?

Often we think everyone has what they need.  We don’t SEE what they actually need.   I don’t mean material needs.  I suspect anyone over a  certain age  has most of the things they really NEED.   I think of all the things I prefer not to do that are a bit...


It feels so good when people are arm-in-arm with one another.  We feel supported and find strength when we work together.   I have seen that  many times when to comes to our Community and this weekend proved it again. For those around me, you know I have been a...

Where’s Waldo? Where’s Rosy

This morning I let Rosy outside in our yard.   Now since our 40 year old Blue Spruce trees are gone, I thought it would be easier to see her.   How wrong I was!  Usually she moves pretty quickly, today was no different.  Even in the piles of snow she bounced quickly...

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

What does it mean to feel overwhelmed?   Well one of the explanations means to load, heap, treat, or address with overpowering or excessive amounts of anything!  We have all been there!   As a child, one may cry, throw toys, or just refuse to do anything more.   In...

Influenced by Who or What?

There have been many people who had influence over us.  Some set high standards for us to follow and a few have been negative.  We all have a teacher or two that made us feel special.  When our son was in 5th grade, he had a teacher with a special lamp sort of like...

Take A Seat

Wow, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to please take a seat, I’d be rich.  Just think of all the appointments you have been to.  The times you have applied for jobs, gone to doctors, filled out applications, registered for classes at school or...