by Linda Gullo | May 2, 2017 | Variety
We all have them and often take for granted “authentic connections”. Define them as you will, but they are people who really connect with us and make us feel good about ourselves. It is like they present you with a bouquet of flowers in their welcome...
by Linda Gullo | May 1, 2017 | The Spirit at Work, Variety
Well I thought this morning was no different from any other. It began with my taking Rosy outside. We usually go out the back door of the garage and while she is meandering around the yard, I check out the house, particularly after blustery weather. Today I had...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 20, 2017 | Family Times, Variety
What brings life and joy into your life? Is it the fresh air of the morning, the smell of fresh flowers, the sound of a train in the distance, or the laughter of small children? What memories do you want to create or have you created that give you a boost? Who...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 19, 2017 | Business Insights, Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Family Times, Self Development, The Creative Edge, Variety
So with vacation time coming around for school children and adults as well, people are thinking of going to Disney, driving to see family across country, or planning a summer of local activities. Where are you going? What do you plan on doing? Are you going to see...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 12, 2017 | Self Development, Variety
Well it happens every month when I have to take Miss Rosy into the vet for her nails to be trimmed! I don’t know who is really more anxious, is it me or the dog? In the past, we did our dog’s nails, but since we have had Rosy, I opted to have her...
by Linda Gullo | Apr 10, 2017 | Business Insights, Self Development, Variety
Simple ways to get that job you want may be easier than you think. It is all about awareness, drive, good attitudes, perseverance, and networking. 1- Think about what you are qualified to do and/or be willing to get trained in! Bone up on your skills asap. ...