by Linda Gullo | Mar 9, 2016 | Family Times, Self Development, The Spirit at Work
Marriages often look well to the outside world, but may be splintering within the walls of their home. Couples are called to be teams; two people working with one another. Working to encourage, grow, and protect each other. Sometimes it means that one must put...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 9, 2016 | Self Development
How do we turn on the auto pilot for making things work for us? Years ago, my husband was a photographer. He was an early bird who would often go on location for photographs that would be used for publications. He was a man of habit who followed through with a...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 8, 2016 | Self Development
Rolling with Changes When I first got married, my husband was always teasing me about the arrangement of furniture. He’d leave for work and return to a whole new layout. I would start to vacuum and suddenly get inspired to begin moving things. Voila! It was...
by Linda Gullo | Mar 7, 2016 | Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle, Self Development
Boundaries Begin & Never End We all begin as pretty adventuresome children. We try to climb and search things out. We become masters at testing the limits that our guardians set out for us. Banisters, gates and playpens are meant for safety. They remind us to...
by Linda Gullo | Feb 9, 2016 | Self Development
Things hinge on one another! It amazes me how one change may effect another like domino’s falling into alignment. We make plans that hinge on something already in place.Perhaps we sell our house contingent on another one being made available. Life is funny like that...
by Linda Gullo | Jan 25, 2016 | Self Development
How many images? How many images do you present to other people? How many views of yourself do you recognize? Can you remember what you were like when you were 7 or 14 or 21? Today I stopped in the office to do some behind the scenes work. Shortly after...