Measuring Growth Play in new window | DownloadHello Friends! Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.  This is your host Linda Gullo.    I treasure the small things in life, the encounters with people, and even the...

Perspective Play in new window | DownloadHello Friends!  Welcome to Mini Miracle from Minor Moments.  This is your host Linda Gullo.  I treasure the small things in life, the encounters with people, and even the...

A Day of Rest

Sundays are traditionally a “day of rest”.   I have been trying to use them as a time to recoup and get ready for another week.  Even at that, I find myself doing a lot around the house.   I try not to shop or get involved  in  “work”.  I sneak...

Refresh . . .

Time will pass, so you might as well dive in.  It really doesn’t matter how old you are or if you have a dream or desire to accomplish something.  Our vision is only as narrow of a lens that we want it to be.   The sky is the limit!  We have the potential to do...

6 Steps to Clarity

Well today’s blog is on Clarity.  1- Replicate in your actions the things you want to do.   For example, clean your car–it will help you take pride in driving and pride in your vehicle.  Wash your  clothes and tidy your closets.  Empty out the unnecessary...