Time will pass, so you might as well dive in.  It really doesn’t matter how old you are or if you have a dream or desire to accomplish something.  Our vision is only as narrow of a lens that we want it to be.   The sky is the limit!  We have the potential to do so much.   It is time to start.

Schooling can begin at any age.   We have all heard the stores of people in their 80’s and 90’s getting the degrees they wanted.  Those who say they don’t have money or time or whatever are saying it isn’t a priority.   There are many scholarships available if one really wants to learn something.

Time is available even in small amounts to read, think and write.  Now with countless programs on the internet, school is available even for full time workers.  Use your mind well.  You can do it!   IMG_1929

So many people continue to share their wisdom and want to be mentors.  Seeing these bright green leaves and the beautiful butterfly reminds me that their are new opportunities all around.  Perhaps you want to be a mentor or to be mentored.

I can’t imagine where I’d be now if there weren’t any mentors for me.   Mentors pop up and unknowingly open up new lines of thought for all of us.  I have been fortunate and open to learning from others.  I am so very grateful for the wisdom others have shared.  Are you looking for someone?

Bits of wisdom seem to ooze out of long lived people.  My father believed in 10 minute naps. Recently I heard Michael Hyatt (check out www.Platform University) speak of his mid afternoon rest time.  My mother-in-law who lived to 94 used to tell me that she rested when the kids napped.  I didn’t pay attention to this advice until lately.  I am beginning to see that rest is as important as eating right and exercise.  It sets us up for success and clear thinking.

I find an hour each afternoon to meditate, pray, and relax.  It slows me down to appreciate the good things that are happening and the things that need my attention.   It break gives me a 2nd wind of energy.

Winning at life means learning to stay well and starting fresh.  It means being involved and spending time in worthwhile endeavors.   Those things evolve.  No matter what age, dive in and learn a new instrument, a language, or a new career.  The world offers so much.  I have heard from others that they wasted away their 20’s and even part of their 30’s that life offered them unlimited chances to be a success.   It is never too late to start down a new path.

For many of us, we are not longer in the primary roles of parenting.  We have already subscribed to a  attitude of gratitude.  We’ve begun to find our own niche-that in an area of expertise and comfort where we are our best.     But once again, I encourage everyone to keep learning.   Try something new!  Keep growing and helping others to feel better about themselves.

Find the mini miracle today that was showered down on you!  Try not to panic when things are seemingly out of control; even if they are it isn’t always possible to step in and remedy them.   Often time and the culture around us helps cure the evil that is being done.   Oh, and of course keep the faith!
