Sacks, Bags, & Luggage?

Where are you going?   I see a closet filled with sacks, bags, and luggage.  Where did they come from?  Let’s see?  Some were given to me.  There are a few new ones I received as gifts.   There are some with a history of numerous trips.   I have a bunch in my...

New Year Wishes

Hello Friends!   Well this year has been an exciting one for me.   In the process of learning to Podcast, I have fallen into the world of Technology.   There is so much to learn and I have suddenly found myself craving to learn more.   I just spent a few hours...

Where’s Waldo? Where’s Rosy

This morning I let Rosy outside in our yard.   Now since our 40 year old Blue Spruce trees are gone, I thought it would be easier to see her.   How wrong I was!  Usually she moves pretty quickly, today was no different.  Even in the piles of snow she bounced quickly...

Father, forgive them. . .

This morning as I was standing in the shower, the temperature of the water changed and the pressure was less.   I realized that my husband was also using the water.  Normally, I would have yelled across the house to let him know I was showering, but since I know he...