Setting Examples!

This delightful picture arrived in my messages yesterday morning.  It was great to see the next generations are setting the example of how to be involved.  Obviously this child will not know today, but will come to realize in the future how valuable it is to express...

Who Knows?

Who Knows? Everyday brings new surprises and continues to amaze me. I got up rather early today to the clock radio.  I shut it off and made my bed, then headed to shower and stated the day moving forward.  When I returned to put on my makeup, the talk show was about...

Keep Smiling

Discover Happiness Within There is one way that I have discovered to bringing happiness into your life.  It came to me some 25 years ago,  when a family member went into depression.   It was depression due to legitimate issues, but I didn’t want to fall into the...

Celebrating Every Day . . .

Everyone I know has things they have celebrated.  It may have been a wedding, communion, or a holiday.  The memories of these joyful experiences linger and remain with us thorough out our lives.  It is a good thing to be festive.  We smile, we laugh, and best of all...