Discover Happiness Within

There is one way that I have discovered to bringing happiness into your life.  It came to me some 25 years ago,  when a family member went into depression.   It was depression due to legitimate issues, but I didn’t want to fall into the same hole.  I began reading a book that talked about emotions being contagious.  I made a conscious decision not to join into the sadness.  Instead I set out on a new pathway.  I am glad I did!

I began setting up a schedule that would keep me busy.   I sought professional help for the person and did not take it upon myself to be the savior.   I decided to be the example rather than a victim.  I took up a hobby of sewing once again.  I began volunteering time to help others. In doing so, I  helped myself.  I went back to school.  I sought out a friend to travel with and went on several trips.  Seeing people in different cultures really helped.

I soon realized that smiling helped.  It put things in perspective.  It provided  energy that I hopefully passed on to other people.   Smiling intentionally became a habit.  People responded and were receptive.


Sometimes a girl’s just gotta sew! So true!

Smiling is an art that kids seem to generate pretty easily, but one that adults may have forgotten.  Why is that?   Is life that heavy and sad all the time?   Have we forgotten how to play?  If so, how does one learn to play again?

Try smiling whenever you’re feeling down. You’ll begin noticing a few things happening.  You will start feeling better almost instantly. Your disposition shifts from grumpy to joyous.  You’ll want to be with people more.

You’ll actually look better to others; they will mimic your smile.  That is a good thing because it starves off being isolated.  Depressed or embarrassed people often want to seal themselves off from other people.


Smiling teenagers are fun to be around.

Smiling is a big help in helping one to stress less.  It helps keep our hormones in balance.  It helps one stay lighter and more resilient.  We want to move more, engage in conversation, and enjoy the sunlight.  Sunshine and smiling go hand-in-hand in becoming successful. Both are really unrated, but make the world better.   Smiling people seem to bring joy into the world.

Hang around the young children in your family and interact with them and their silliness.  Engage with family fun with neighbors. Enjoy your day.  Delight in Living!