ABC’s . . .

Alphabet soup was always a novelty to eat.  Sorting out the noodles to spell my name made eating soup more fun.  Well I just got this new keyboard cover and as I put it on, I thought of the first typing class I took.   Who in the world created the keyboard in this...


Well I think I will forever be a student.   Yesterday I spent an afternoon with my soon to be 18 year old granddaughter.  She has graduated from High School and has a job at a local fast food place in here community.   They aren’t the nicest at this...

A Gate to Life

Experience is valuable if one uses it as a “GATE” to a better life.  Here are 10 ideas that “experience” can provide. Enhance opportunities by being open to them. X-ray your motives for authenticity. Pursue dreams by acting as if you have...


Brokenness The flower was beautiful, but the stem was broken.  It hung over the edge of the vase.  The candy cane now in several parts was in the candy dish several months past it prime.  The cracked glass that had fallen was now in fragments.  It’s all good...

Do Risk Takers Get Ahead?

Do Risk Takers Get Ahead? Well all kinds of studies have been taken over the years about whether “risk takers” get ahead!  What do you think?  Are you a risk taker?  And if so, what made you become that way?  Do you think that gamblers are smart?   Are...