File May 21, 11 56 36 PM

Any risk here?

Do Risk Takers Get Ahead?

Well all kinds of studies have been taken over the years about whether “risk takers” get ahead!  What do you think?  Are you a risk taker?  And if so, what made you become that way?  Do you think that gamblers are smart?   Are travelers going into foreign lands brave or foolish?   And how are newscasters different from you?  What motivates people to risk their reputations, their lives, and their fortunes on risky behaviors?

Speeding down the highway may not be the best behavior.  Although some people find it a thrill, animals and obstacles may come into one’s path.   Tires can blow and loss of attention for even a second can become deadly.  Many accidents happen in the rural areas of our country, because people are speeding for the fun of it.   Then there are the young people, who play chicken and don’t turn their headlights on!   They are immature and not thinking about the safety of other people.   They don’t see the car as a means of transportation, or as a privilege of their age.   The car becomes a weapon instead of what it was designed to provide for us.

Our world is spinning with new technology every day.   Instantly  news is spread via through social media platforms, phones,  and other communication systems in place.  Drugs that were created for the purpose of curing ailments or saving people are used inappropriately.  Addictions and improper use of medications can maim and kill  individuals.  The things designed to help us can become a disaster as well.

There are the storm chasers who often risk their lives running into the eye of a tornado. They are scientists trying to understand Mother Nature and how future generations can be saved.  On one hand I think it is great their are researcher in every arena doing this things, but on another hand it is sad when their good intentions are deadly.

There are the Veterans who can tell us of the many dangers they encountered.  They may be suffering PTSD from the things they have seen or became part of during their time in battle.  That is also true of those who serve as ambulance technicians, hospital workers, and hospital attendants. Lurking dangers can create unbearable fear and stop us in our tracks.

Being a sitting duck is often worse than taking action.   But that is true in all situations.   We cannot become victims, but rather we must learn to take calculated risks and be assertive.

So what made me think of risk taking on this fine sunny day in May?   I was at a Graduation Ceremony yesterday and looked over the sea of people there.  I listened to the speeches.  I viewed the sea of Royal Blue Graduation Gowns and felt so much potential oozing from them.  There are so many opportunities and challenges ahead of these High School graduates.   Many of them will blossom into  leaders.

There was a tribute to those about to enter the United States Military. The speaker asked all those who served in the past to please stand along with those about to enter into service.   There was a frail man, obviously a grandfather, who sitting on the nearby bleachers was helped by those around to stand up.  I had watched him slowly and with effort to climb the bleachers.  To some degree his being there was a risk of safety.  None of us would ever go anywhere or do anything if fear reared its ugly head!

So I see small risks in things we face everyday, like the cat and bird in this picture.   Things that are seemingly inconsequential can become suddenly very dangerous.    Prudence is a great virtue to learn.  I hope there are many mentors and people around you to offer good judgment  Enjoy your day and “Delight in Living”!