Meet the Cast Play in new window | DownloadHello Friends!  Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments. This is your host Linda Gullo. I treasure the small things in life the encounters with people, and even the...

Thanks for Water

We all take so much for granted to be able to get up on turn on the shower each morning or whenever we have the need.   Water is the most refreshing thing; it wakes up our organs and jump starts our bodies.  Our bodies crave the replenishment of it. The Mayo site...


What does private mean to most people?  Does it mean something is truly private financially?  Does it mean a person is reserved and not communicative?   Or does it simply mean they prefer to stay to themselves? Does it mean this is their title in the armed services? I...

What Path Are You Taking?

There are traditional paths to learning.  Some people live in the same house all their lives.   They go to the local public schools and know their neighbors well.   They may follow the traditional path of going straight to college and taking a 4 year program into a...

On Your Way to …

Well I don’t know where you are going today.   Perhaps it is running errands. Are you on your way to a class or seminar?  Who are you going to be with and doing this week?   Where is it all leading? Daily we have things to do.  Often they are repetitive in...

A is for Apple

I absolutely love apples, but more so in the Fall when they are fresh off the trees.   For many years we had apple trees.  They would fill 15-20 bushels; some “horse” quality and the rest for applesauce, baked apples, and eating.   One year I made 14...

Move Over So I Can See Too

Move over Joseph Rosendo* and Rick Steves’**.   I know you are both the world travelers that encourage so many people to see the world.    Both of you gentlemen are excellent at what you do.  I watch your shows and feel as if I am there.  I also watch Fr....

Vision Play in new window | DownloadHello Friends! Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.  This is your host Linda Gullo.    I treasure the small things in life, the encounters with people, and even the...

Keeping in Touch

Have you ever wondered what happened to an old friend after they moved away?   Or perhaps due to an illness or accident, you have lost track of them? Well I have been looking for a girl that grew up a couple of doors away from me for years.   She lost her mother due...