Our family is excited about the Cubs and I am no different.   There are  “the old and the new” when it comes to FANS.   Well, I guess I am the former, but I join the youth of today.  All the fun that our sport clubs provide as entertainment for us is wonderful.

I can’t help but notice that we have a young team.  A team that is not easily intimidated or frightened away by superstitions, past records, or competition.   Congratulations and THANK GOODNESS for our youth.  They bring us the vision of new and exciting things in way of learning.   They are the teachers, the scientists, the motivation for the older among us to cheer on.   I can’t imagine all the openings to careers and opportunities that are ahead for them.

I see so many people in my office who deal with anxiety.    It doesn’t only apply to the more mature people, it also pertains to the youth too.   We begin to store up fears and question our abilities to succeed.  There are times we all do worry and it is usually when we start projecting into the future.  Anxiety and fear can become great motivators to change.  Right now I am really paying attention to my diet and my overall health.   I want to be here for many more years and be healthy to enjoy the next generations.

What if such and such happens?   What if my car breaks down?  If the test comes back poorly what will Ifile-nov-04-11-34-45-am do to fix things?  How do we get the money for the repairs?   What, how, when, and if are all dangerous for anxiety ridden people.   We must stay in the PRESENT MOMENT.   You and I both know that when something happens, the solution will also appear.   It is the essence of having faith in the midst of trials.

I went grocery shopping earlier today and found this great Cubbie ball shaped character sitting on the table at the grocery store.   I had to buy him as a souvenir.  He just looks so joyful!   I am hoping it will remind me to stay in the present moment and to enjoy the times that are wonderful.

May your day be filled with great joy and much health.   Stay prayer filled and look for all the mini miracles around you.   I am waiting for a few to drop on me.  “Delight in Living”

