I’d like to think we are all secure in the way we live our lives. The reality is that the way we internalize and perceive things makes us unique.   It is easy to misinterpret interactions with other people.  It begins when we are small children.  Something makes us afraid and it stays with our subconscious mind.   We may get lost and can’t find our way home.  Simple things that are easily resolved seem alarming.



I am going to use my dog as an example here.   Our names are important.  They identify us.   The first thing we did was to change her name to a girls name.  My husband though she was so gentle, but strong so he wanted the name Rose after the flower.  It fits her perfectly. Since then we waver between Rose and Rosy.

When Rosy first came to us, she was afraid of cars, terrified of loud sounds, and loved children.   I came to understand early on that it is the way we encounter our pets that helps recondition and teach them to trust.   In many ways she is a different dog.   She now loves to go for car rides and waits for me to put her rug in the car and adjust the seat.  She promptly jumps on up and excitedly away we go.  Sometimes I wish we had more places to visit.  She no longer runs to her crate (without a door) to hide when someone raises their voice.  Of course, it helps that we are pretty quiet people who don’t yell or get excited.  Instead she takes in the commotion and will usually stick with me.   The exception is firecrackers!  Rosy still loves children and people.   She has less of a regard for other dogs and likes being the Diva in our house.

My point in sharing this is that we can all relearn.   We can come to appreciate ourselves and use our experiences to grow and feel confident.  The patterns we create for ourselves are known as habits and they can be changed.  Or course, the work must be done to insure that and want to make the changes.   We need people around to  reflection qualities back to us.   Thank goodness for healthy mentors.

Education is another great way to find ourselves.  I am not a big fan of online courses for everything.  There is a lot to be said for sitting in a class with other people.   We gain confidence and insight from those around us.   We see the faces and frustration of learning others experience.  We learn empathy and social skills that the internet does not teach.  We in a sense become a team in a classroom.

Now there is a different “face” for online learning.  People are not put out of their comfort zone.   They stay anonymous and do not have to be put out of their way.   This is another place where people hide behind a mask.  They can present a hidden profile which is dangerous for themselves and others.   Now online learning is the rage.   For me, it has taught me many skills.   However having said that, I also have 3 degrees and countless continuing education units that I have done in the classroom.

Don’t hide, mingle.   Become a person with a soul, a face, and an open heart.   Listen and thrive in a world of people who can be of help to you.   Dress up, put on a smile, and join in the bigger world.

Delight in Living and see the many Mini Miracles that rain down on you!   Small things are cumulative and add up.   Small steps lead us to happiness and ongoing success.   Step by step, we move forward.Listen to our Podcast Mini Miracles every Friday for small, but powerful insights!  If just one little thing touches you, take it and claim it.   Thanks and have a super day!




