Who is the wellness warrior?   Why of course, I am thinking about our minds and how we can be the best version of ourselves.    Thinking things through and making the minute-by-minute decisions makes us all wellness warriors!

Today is a bright day filled with hope that Spring in coming.   It has come in with a vengeance.   Cold weather, lower than normal temperatures, and snow have hit us hard.   Along with that today’s sunshine gives us hope of warmer days ahead.  Our plants want to grow and we are ready to see them sprout.

Chill Out!

Does this Wellness Warrior Penguin help?

As I walked outside with Rosy today, I noticed how carefully she proceeded out the door.   Beyond the door was a sheet of ice that could take anyone of us down to their knees.  She has learned that dashing outside can be dangerous.   She has slipped too.   So as she walked into the snow covered grassy area, I retreated to get the salt container.   I sprinkled the salt pellets on the walkway.  I hope it is the last time we need it this year.   The forecasters yesterday evening gave us hope for sunnier days this next week.   I couldn’t be more grateful for their predictions.

Then when I got to work, I encountered the same glassy surface as I stepped outside of the car.  Once again, I got into the suite and exited with salt for the area where I park and sprinkled a coating around the car doors.  So what does this have to do with being a wellness warrior?

Mentally we are making conscious and unconscious decisions all day.  We wake up and all have our ways of getting out of bed and moving ahead.   For people like Mel Robbins, she uses her 5 Second Rule to navigate forward.  5,4,3,2,1, and move!   For me, I stretch and wake up with a prayer I was taught by a High School Religion teacher, Dr. Finer.

We decide to bathe, answer the doorbell, or put on the coffee pot.   We may toss on old clothes to take the dog outside, or begin waking up the kids for school.   Our schedules, routines, and age all contribute to the decisions and timing we decide upon each and every day.   For me, putting down salt for a spur of the moment decision based on being practical and safe.   For you, it might be to call a dentist, because you’ve been putting it off.  So what is it you need to do today?

I like to think that being well means taking small actions on a continual basis.   We follow our instincts and training to call our family members and stay connected to essential people.  Wellness and keeping focused on what we are doing is a series of small ongoing choices.   Choices we make all day from the moment we pop out of bed.

Today be you own wellness warrior and think about your moment-to-moment decisions.   Are you reaching for a jacket or running out the door without a coat?   Are you having something warm like coffee, but then having a good breakfast following?   Are you watching the drivers around you or on your cell phone?  Guess it is time to decide.