
Feeling Invisible

I think it all began when I was a child.   I felt invisible. That is I just didn’t feel noticed. I was the youngest of the cousins and always left behind.  I was too young to go to the bowling alleys.  I couldn’t drive or hold a job.  BEING INVISIBLE ISN’T BAD. As a matter of fact it may give you the edge to learn more.

I guess that I realized it when I was about 10 and sitting in the living room with my mom and dad.   An old friend of my father’s stopped in for a visit.  He and his wife were in the La Grange Park area and stopped in.  My mother hadn’t met them before either, but my parents were very hospitable.   I recall sitting on a stool near the picture window and quietly listening to the conversation. After awhile, I simply said “excuse me,” and got up to leave.  The man said, “Yes, you are excused!”  I was so shocked that he even heard me.file-sep-05-7-34-56-pm

When I attended High School I was in a class of 1200 students.   It is easy to feel invisible even though I was an active student and danced in the school musical.  The first 2 years were at the  Western Springs Campus and the last 2 in La Grange.  It was like being a freshman twice getting readjusted to the new site.  In all the years after high school, I have only met 3 people from there and only one was from my graduating class.   Crazy ugh?

You know the feeling too.  It is when you are standing in line at a counter in a department store and no one is there to serve you.   Or you stop at an intersection and seemingly wait forever for your turn because others are hurried and not allowing you to take your turn.   There are many times we feel invisible.  I find that the case in doctors offices where you sit forever behind a closed door waiting for someone to arrive.  Is it any wonder so many suffer from generalized anxiety and have problems.  Next time I’ll take a puzzle with me.

So these words are from our newest Saint, Mother Teresa.  “Do Small Things with Great Love!”  She certainly made a mark on society and showed us how we can do small things and make people feel visible and relevant.  I just love that idea.   A simple smile, a call, a “hi” or holding the door for the next person may make them feel important.

May your day find mini miracles of recognition and love waiting for you.

“Delight in Living”



No Anxiety for Displaced Birds

This morning as I opened the back door to let Rosy outside, a block of small birds came out of the Burning Bush outside the back door.   I felt sorrow for them.  The 3 large blue spruce trees which housed many of them were cut down this past weekend.   Not only was I sorry to see thBirdse trees go, but no birds did too.  I have no doubt that the housing they provided for doves, sparrows, and untold species were upsetting to these animals.   Even the squirrels had lost a place to play.  I guess they must all be looking for homes.  There was no way to warn them.

Of course, God takes care of them all; scripture is clear about that.  (see Matthew 6:26)  They don’t have to worry.  We shouldn’t either.  Anxiety (see Matthew 6:34) comes from worrying about the future.  We need to take a lesson here.   Staying in the present is so much better.  We would all enjoy the process of life more if we followed their example.   I am sure all the birds have navigated to new housing.   There are many other hiding spaces in our yard including many bushes.

We take our feathered friends for granted.  When I was alone a few years ago, my daughter brought me her birds.  Their delightful chirping sounds uplifted me.  I heard them jumping around the cage.   They’d sing with the running of the kitchen water and chime in with their outdoor friends.  They were so comforting to me in my loneliness.  They tended to toss their seeds all over so I made this little banded cover.   I must admit that caring for them was wonderful.  They kept me in the present time and allowed me to enjoy a morning cup of java. Their tranquil chirping and singing was calming and company.

This past winter I saw a beautiful large multi colored blue bird with stripes in the snow.  I went to pick it up and bury it before an animal destroyed it.   I buried it under a tree where the dirt was able to be chopped away enough to hide it under the earth.   I felt a real call to honor it.  Why?   I think because it was so innocent and yet so beautiful.    Beauty is found all around us like the mini miracles God sprinkles on us every day.  Oh how we need these wonderful highlights.

“Anxiety” does not have to be allowed in our lives.   I think labeling it takes away some of its power.   Refocusing on the things we can do helps, as well.  Talking with other people also helps deflate its strength.  Comfort in knowing others are around during turbulent or stressful times does help.   We do need to actively do what we can to resolve issues and then believe the good Lord will carry us forward.

Enjoy the beauty of the sounds around you; enjoy the natural music made out-of-doors.  Even the crickets can lend a familiar sound at the close of the day.  Peace and delight in living!

Disclaimer here:  Please note that this blog is not in place of Clinical Counseling.  Each case is different.  This blog is intended to be light and inspirational.  Although it may help in many ways, please do not use it in place of individual care.


Little Surprises Are Sweet

Doing blogs on a regular basis has made me aware and so appreciative of life.  That is because I have become more observant and intentional about daily events.   Things change from day-to-day and in so many ways.  Little things that happen really do impact us and can make us more grateful.   Today, I had several wonderful things that made me smile. I will share a few, but I’d like you to think about what small thing made a difference for you today?

The first surprise was early in the morning when a fellow Kiwanis member stopped into my office.  She brought over my new tee shirt along with a $5 refund for over payment.  Very cool.   I had worked through my lunch yesterday and missed our Wednesday meeting.  What a thoughtful gesture on her part to deliver it to me!  I was thrilled!  Now that seems like such a simple thing, but what a pleasant way to start my day.  Thanks Carol.File Aug 11, 10 27 17 PM

Later in the day, I received a photo from my son of a house that belonged to his grandparents.  It was a surprise and brought back memories.  Plus later this evening we had a great conversation about it.

Tonight the man and his sons that do our lawn showed up.   In addition to cutting and trimming the grass they brought their power washer.  Our patio and the back of house is sparkling brightly.  They always have a great attitude and complete the extra little things I ask  them to do!  Thank you!

So there you have it, just a few random moments of joy that may a simple day a great one.  There are always things to be grateful for and mini miracles that seem to blossom when we least expect it!



It is Monday and I hope your day is a wonderful one in many ways.   For us it is about 6-10 degrees cooler that the past one. We have had some intense rains and humidity.   The weather affects our allergies and attitudes.

Mother nature does her own thing in spite of how we feel.  In this photo you can see a broken tree.  It happened to fall in the backyard of a neighbor.  Thank goodness it didn’t land on a house, car, or animal.   Often this family has two dogs that roam in the yard; fortunately they were not there when it decided to tip.  This is the 2nd time in recent weeks were someone I have known has had a tree come down.   File Jul 19, 10 16 49 AM

In the first incident a large tree did come down.   It landed on top of a house and power lines.   It put a hole in the roof of a friends house and into the ceiling of a bedroom.  He has major damage and expenses that insurance is not covering.  The removal of the tree has become his problem and financial responsibility.   It is a large and heavy tree.

Again we must be thankful that no one was hurt. A group of people could have been sitting on the deck or in the yard.  Unfortunately, it will take time, patience, and money to cure the problem.

It is still being sawed apart and dismantled.   The roof needs to be totally rebuilt and the interior as well.  Part of the tree is still standing and will require lots of work and money on the part of the owner, because insurance did not cover it. He is still cleaning up the mess and will be for several weeks.

In the case of these trees, they will be disposed of and chopped up for firewood and mulch.   Brokenness however,  comes in many forms.  In the case of people, we are often left with broken hearts as a result of circumstances.  We are depressed from broken relationships, because someone has died or moved away.  We feel alone and our spirit for life is dampened.

FEELING BROKEN IS A FEELING THAT WE CAN CHANGE.  Our attitude toward healing is powerful. Sometimes we have to slow down and write things down to help purge negative feelings.  It also helps us formulate positive ideas to move forward.  Look to others who are successful and happy.  Talk to them.  Go out of your way to make relationships succeed.   It is easy to do nothing or to blame other people for the way we feel.

But what I want to discuss here is “HOPE” for the feeling of brokenness. Brokenness comes in many forms.   Sometimes we say we are broken. Circumstances in our lives take  on a series of unfortunate changes, but we come through.  We are resilient people.   All things are temporary.  When we are broken making changes and choices to pull ourselves through difficult times helps immensely.

Psalm 34:18 tells us  that “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Today, having learned from these other people who had tree issues, I talked with our tree specialists. Two lovely blue spruces that have given us privacy and shade need to come down in our yard.  They are over 40 years old, and so it is like losing a couple of friends.  Our dog has used it for shelter in the winter snowfalls, so I think it is going to be a loss for her too.  It is a home for birds, so they will have to relocate.

We have decided it is better to take action before we have one of them come down on its own.  Trees like so many things in life are placeholders and serve us well when they are healthy. Unfortunately the budget hadn’t planned for the removal of these, but so be it.  Changes that we can control make our lives move smoothly and I don’t want other trees to be diseased in our yard, nor do I want them to come down on their own.

Let’s all stay healthy, work together, and Delight in Living.




A Tribute to a Friend

I opened this Saturday’s newspaper and flipped through the pages when suddenly an Obituary notice popped in front of me.   It was of a past neighbor.   I suddenly was in tears.  I had talked with her a few months ago.  She had been on my mind these past few weeks.   She was always very calm and kind in her approach to me.

Years ago when our first child was born she threw a neighborhood shower for me.   She’d run over and babysit for our children when my parents were ill.   Often we’d be running to the emergency room in the middle of the night and she’d appear at any hour to take over and help.   She was never critical and always available.  A real friend.

She and her husband would often join us for baptisms and first communion parties.  Although we shared different faiths, we were one in spirit and  would go to Christian lunches together.  She would remember our children throughout the years and even came to help celebrate my daughters 18th Birthday celebration, an all girl gathering.

When my mother died, she came to our home and helped welcome relatives.  She set up the dinner prior to the funeral.   While it was a long day at the funeral for me, she cared for our toddlers and the children of our extended family back at the house.   When I walked into our home the dishes were done, the kids all asleep, the house was tidied up, and the dog was sleeping peacefully.

I asked her how I could pay her for all she had done and she told me to “pay it forward.”  She told me she once had to identify the body of her teenage daughter after a car accident.  Someone helped her with getting through that time.  I was so appreciative and touched by her generosity.

For years after that I helped provide food for our church when it had funeral dinners.   And finally after many, many years, I was approached by another neighbor to  help him after his wife died.  He needed someone to host and feed at a family gathering following her wake.   I did.   It was what someone had done for me so many years before.

I can’t put my finger on it exactly except to say that some people are indeed angels.   They know when to appear in your life and help you.   They ask nothing in return, but appreciate you.  This lady influenced me so much.

She treated me like a daughter and our children like grandchildren.   She wanted me to pursue writing and always handed me small assignments to help compose things for the local newspaper.  I hope she is looking back to see how important she was in shaping me and encouraging me to write as well.  Thank you Shirley!

Learning to like yourself and love life comes through the wonderful people around.   Blessings for the day.

Monumental Moments

Monumental Moments keep happening and it is important we celebrate them regularly.   Life  is filled with so much sadness and people are working 24/7; we need to bring in joyful events.  We recently had a family gathering where we celebrated 2 adult birthdays, 2 graduations, and 3 fathers for Father’s Day.  Somewhere in the mix, I received a couple belated Mother’s Day hanging baskets of flowers, as well.  So very welcome!

IMG_6513The best part of the day was just being together.  Everyone finds their place after eating.   Kids ran out to play in the yard along with a few siblings.  Others landed in front of sports games on the television.   A couple people zonked out and fell asleep for a half hour nap.  Dad was thrilled to sit on the patio swing with a cigar.  Definitely a rare event for him to have a smoke these days, but one that he thoroughly enjoyed.  He was kept company by an adult who kindly began weeding the patio gardens for us.

Even though it is just for a few hours, it is a nice break to catch up with family.   Everyone is busy with work, kids events, and rushing around.

I couldn’t help but think about the nostalgia of this bench that one of our smaller grandchildren was playing on.   I had scraped my knees on it several times when it was at my Grandmother’s house years ago.   It came from their Indiana farmhouse and was made by my grandfather some 85-90 years back.   It probably has witnessed many family gatherings.

We all survived the afternoon without an major trauma.   Our yard was pleasant; no buzzing bees to escape from on a warm summer day.   The mood was light.   The youngest baby of 6 months had fallen asleep for an afternoon nap.  My daughter began showing her 5 year old a Caterpillar.  Of course, she wanted to keep it as a pet.  LOL  Her mom explained it needed to be free to turn into a butterfly.  It was safely placed back on a leaf to develop. It was a simple, but cool moment.

Family is a real gift that I refuse to take for granted.  Tomorrow we celebrate 48 years of marriage and its been a remarkable life of good and bad moments.   There is much to rejoice about when I see how fortunate we are with grandchildren and easy going Sunday visits.

May your summer days be blessed.   Delight in Living!

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The flower was beautiful, but the stem was broken.  It hung over the edge of the vase.  The candy cane now in several parts was in the candy dish several months past it prime.  The cracked glass that had fallen was now in fragments.  It’s all good since flowers only last a few days after they are cut, candy gets stale after time, and vases are replaceable.

Years ago I had a friend who made jewelry from pieces of silver and metal chips.   She was a science teacher.  I think this was a hobby that came about in one of her labs.  Her signature pieces were beautiful crosses.  The metals were melted to show the brokenness in our lives; yet as people we are more beautiful, empathetic, and loving because we survive.  We are not the same, but softer in spirit.File Jun 09, 12 30 30 PM

Some things in life are not repairable and it is important that we recognize these.  At the same time, we must not let these circumstances injure us permanently and keep us from functioning or enjoying our lives.  Broken families, those in poverty, the loss of a limb, or the death of a loved one conjure up in  my mind as “brokenness”.

How we choose to deal with issues can help us live fully.  Labeling each situation is a way to help us dismiss situations from taking us over.  The part we play in each story is important too.  We can’t bring back a loved family member.   We can however, recognize their contributions to us and to our communities.  We can memorialize them and teach others about their attributes.  We can try to find cures for the disease that contributed to their death.  Maybe we can find cures or medications for the next generation.

It may help us to become more prayerful.  Or push us to take steps with those in charge to get that stop sign in at the intersection where your loved one died.  Sometimes it makes us recognize our blessings more, when we are aware of how other people are suffering.

People all  have problems; some carry them better or have help.  Here is where I suggest that asking for help is indeed wisdom, not  weakness.   Share with others who can help. Or reach out if you can help another person.

Blessings for the day and “Delight in Living”

Pump Yourself Up!

Pump Yourself Up!

What pumps you up?   I find hanging around younger people is becoming my passion more and more.  It always was part of my game plan that God provided, but in the last year I am more driven than ever before.  I enjoy their love for music, for learning, and for the virtual world.   I like their spontaneity and enthusiasm.  Now why this is a surprise I don’t know.  I am a teacher and have been in some capacity since the 1970’s.

I love teenagers.  They may make crazy decisions and poor life choices, but they are beginning to refine who they are and where they are going.   They are looking at occupations, trying to find sources of money, get educations, and travel.   It isn’t all bad when things get sifted out, golden nuggets appear.   It is in our mistakes we forge ahead.

So here is a photo of a “sea of graduates”.   These students are among many from countless high schools, universities, and specialty schools all who are closing one chapter of life and entering into a new one.  Some will soar with the Eagles faster than others; some will end up swimming.  Some of these students were very successful during High School; others just wanted to get through and on to the next stage.

I’d like to mentor for all of them.   They are important in my life.   This site, blogging and soon podcasting will help me to do that.  It will allow me the chance to give some wisdom and get some energy back.  Your insights and thoughts will also be good for all of us, so as we progress in the weeks ahead, please help share the best and most positive ideas.  From them we can all grow.

The backlash of helping others is that we File May 22, 3 41 15 PMbecome  fueled and inspired to do more; to give more.  Learning something that provides an “ah ha” moment is awesome for all of us.   Those moments keep popping up all around us.   These “mini miracles” are the happening for you too.  They happen when you least expect them!

I was blessed today by a friend who helped me learn something new.   I hope what I learned will multiply with time and something that I can pass on to others along the journey.

“We do our best and the Lord does the rest!”   It is a good mantra because it puts some responsibility on each of us to be responsible.  “Delight in Living” and have a safe and healthy holiday weekend.

Rediscovering Monday

Monday could be any day …

Monday is a great kickoff day to enjoying the mini miracles that happen!  I addressed this in an earlier blog, but from a different angle.   I am one of the rare people who absolutely love Mondays!   I think it is an opportunity to get back into the swing of things.  A day to absorb warmth and encouragement from others.   This day of mini miracles that will not return, so embrace it.

Several years ago, I had daily encounters with a very wonderful friend.   We worked together daily for about 3 years and I think I fell under her spell.   She was lively and always willing to do whatever needed to be done to keep things moving well.  She was tidy at her desk and lively on the telephone with whoever called in with their problems or concerns.   She was one of those rare and loving people who could be direct in a loving way.

We shared recipes, discussed the weather, got annoyed with daily happenstance and just seemed to jive well.  I lived in Illinois; she in Wisconsin.  I have a few of her notes she wrote to me that I hold on to, for her penmanship and choice of words were full of joy.  IMG_7038

I was walking in the backyard picking weeds when my cell phone went off.  She had called to tell me goodbye, that she had exhausted her options for getting more help.

I got off the phone and cried.   They were tears of joy that she had taken time to call me.  This is the pathway I stood on while talking with her.  I felt peace in her voice and I hope I bounced it back to her.  I stood there for several minutes after the call ended.

She had lost her husband of a heart attack when her son was very small, as a toddler I believe.   She taught him to be strong and resilient.  He was involved in local sports throughout high school and went on to college.  Eventually, he married and had children.  She would talk about them and all their successes.  She loved to see others succeed and  had a great Irish laugh.

What I learned was she had conquered cancer when her son was little.  It had returned again in her near retirement years in one form after another until it entered her brain. Even then she kept to a schedule and tried to ignore it.

This was her last call to me as I was standing in my yard. It was warm and intimate.  I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in her voice.  I am so thankful and see my connection with her as a mini-miracle that has helped me appreciate every day.  I can still feel her presence in my life as I forge ahead.  I thought of her this Monday morning.  Let’s all count each day as a separate life of its own with promise and a time to enjoy whether it is Monday or Sunday.

Lord be with all those who have set wonderful examples on how we should live.   Bring us laughter and appreciation for every moment!

Remembering today those who lived with reverence for life and sparkled every day!  

Enjoy and “Delight in Living”!


Keep Looking Up!

Looking up can mean many things! 

It may mean keeping a good attitude.  An attitude that is positive and with a clear perspective.  As a business woman, I look up to people who are goal setters.  People who have made their way honestly in the world.   Those that mentor to others and help guide the younger generations are my heroes.   I have always appreciated good teachers that had loads of patience; those that were able to convey knowledge clearly.  Do you have people in your past that gave you insight?  What lessons can you or have you taken away from knowing them?

Looking up may also mean one looks to God for strength, direction, and an increase in hope.  It is hard to look at life through a time of crisis or when things just don’t seem to be going the way needed.   Those with a relationship to the creator find hope and guidance.  Looking up can give us clarity and understanding.  Like anything else, the more we rely on faith, the better we become at trusting in the plan designed for us.   God can help us forge ahead in making decisions that we face each day.  Are you or do you know people that find strength and meaning from above?File Apr 14, 1 52 36 PM

It can simply mean “to look up” and see what is happening above you.  The evening sky reveals the next days weather.   The stars give hope and tranquility to a summer’s night.  Recognizing a crack in the ceiling or one that is wet overhead, may be a clue to move quickly or address a larger problem.  Our priorities when change with a pending issue!

Nature is a wonderful place to enjoy when we are alone or with other people.  Looking up at this tree that is usually loaded with squirrels, showed me that there was space for rent this year.  No nests were apparent!   It’ll be interesting to see who or what moves in!  We have had a variety of birds there over the last 43 years.  The tree has self pruned many years and so I always look up to see how safe it is to walk underneath it.  It provides wonderful shade for the bench located beneath.  The tree has held pinatas and children’s swings over the years.  Many smiles and moments of joy have occurred underneath its branches.

Keep looking up and “Delight in Living”!