Seizing the Moment with Linda Gullo

Seizing the Moment with Linda Gullo Play in new window | DownloadWelcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments brings you highlights in living through the minor moments in life.   Small stories can bring us insights and...

This is Your Life Play in new window | DownloadWelcome to a Spontaneous insight on leading the life you really want!    Linda offers a few thoughts about making your life the one that will make you feel...

Do You Have to Wait Until Someone Wakes Up?

Do you have to wait until someone wakes up?  Sometimes you have to just wait.  Wait for that perfect job offering.  Wait for the break in being recognized.  Wait to heal after treatments or a broken leg.  Wait until you are able to reach the new level and earn that...

Now What? I am Locked Out – 5,4,3,2,1

Yesterday was a hot day.  It has been in the 90’s and humid here.   I was in the office working away at the computer and waiting for the next person to arrive.   I decided to run to the car which I had oddly left open.  I usually lock it.  I change out of my ...