Dealing with Everyday Trials

Dealing with Everyday Trials So we adopted a year old American Bulldog 7 years ago–that’s right she is now over 8.   She has charmed her way into our lives from the very beginning by her sweet disposition.  She immediately knew she belonged to us when she...

Random Acts

  When I was a child of about 3 , I had a Great Aunt and Uncle who lived a few blocks away.   They lived on the third floor of a Chicago apartment building.  They were lonely people who had lost a six year old to small pox before I was born.  This Aunt never came out...


I grew up in a world of ink, typewriters, and carbon paper.  I didn’t realize I was from the dark ages until one of my interns asked me “what is carbon paper?”  Carbon paper is what you didn’t want to be using if you made a mistake!   It was...

Don’t Quit

Years ago when I was in college, I worked as a  Switchboard operator.  The type of switchboard was with cords and plug ins.  The company was large and had contacts in another part of the world.  It was hard for me to understand the accents of other cultures as people...