It’s Never Too Late . . .

Cameras have a way to reflecting things to us that we rather not see.  According to my children, I need to be a little lighter and add more humor to my thinking.  Today I am trying to alter that attitude.    I guess it comes from being the responsible person for so...

Put the DOT at the End!

Do you finish what you start?   So many students get close to the end of a project and don’t finish it.  Homework assignments get tossed aside and incomplete.   They land at the bottom of a book bag or locker.  Unless someone pushes the student, things slip. ...

Memory Enhancement

“One little, two little, three little Indians” is a rhyme that we use to teach children to count.   The tune is a catchy one and has survived many generations.  We learn many things through catchy phrases and remember products for their catchy jingles....

The Story of “Stuff”

I remember well after my parents died that someone remarked about how lucky I was to inherit their stuff.   That was way back in the early 80’s and I still recall how I felt.   My parents died 90 days apart so my feelings of emptiness and loss were intense. I...

Onion Skins

Onion Skins How sensitive are you to criticism?   The children were all playing when one of them got pinched by a little boy!   Of course, he ran away quickly.  Suddenly the tears began to flow on the little girls face.   Bullying can happen at any age and it...