Now Who is Anxious?

Well it happens every month when I have to take Miss Rosy into the vet for her nails to be trimmed!   I don’t know who is really more anxious, is it me or the dog?    In the past, we did our dog’s nails, but since we have had Rosy, I opted to have her...

Recognizing One Another

Today as we extended the sign of  peace to one another at church, I was surprised to find a friend of mine sitting across the aisle!  I was immediately embraced and felt so good to see her.  When you walk into your house, no doubt if you have a dog, it will be there...

Tie A Knot & Hang On

Tie A Knot and Hang On!  In times of frustration, insecurity, and lack of knowledge our imaginations and fears can begin to loom around us.  They can paralyze us in so many ways.  Creating ways that hold us in place and keep us from growing and moving ahead.  We fail...

Spring Forward Play in new window | DownloadIntro by Jim Haisler from Heartland Realtor Organization—thank you Jim! Good morning, this is Linda Gullo.  And this is Podcast # 48 on Cheering on the Springtime!  ...