by Linda Gullo | Jul 11, 2016 | Family Times
Measurements help us in all avenues of life. Just check in with a carpenter and you’ll see it is one of his most frequently used tools. In my sewing room it helps over and over again to measure fabric and ribbons before I cut into them. In the offices and...
by Linda Gullo | Jul 8, 2016 | Family Times
As a child, while visiting Great Uncles on a Farm in Indiana, we would hear the Roosters in the morning and the Owls at night. The days were determined by the light and the darkness. We’d be up early and going when the sun rose and came in for our baths as...
by Linda Gullo | Jul 6, 2016 | Family Times
How do you communicate? So many times we are able to communicate well with people from our own age group. We understand the meanings and unspoken words, because we have the same backgrounds. Teenagers have a language of their own, but so do the 40, 50 or 60 year...
by Linda Gullo | Jun 28, 2016 | Family Times
Children are inquisitive. They often put things in their mouths that look so good, but aren’t. That is why there are poison control numbers and Mr. Yuck labels to warn children. We are always being cautioned about the detergent pods used for dishwashers and...
by Linda Gullo | Jun 27, 2016 | Family Times, Self Development
This was taken at the recent 2016 Swedish Days in Geneva, Illinois. I would imagine walking in a costume on stilts might be hard to do, but these kids seemed to enjoy the day and not care how this gent was able to get around. He had a talent of juggling and...
by Linda Gullo | Jun 21, 2016 | Family Times, The Spirit at Work
Monumental Moments keep happening and it is important we celebrate them regularly. Life is filled with so much sadness and people are working 24/7; we need to bring in joyful events. We recently had a family gathering where we celebrated 2 adult birthdays, 2...