Measurements help us in all avenues of File Jul 08, 9 09 16 PMlife.   Just check in with a carpenter and you’ll see it is one of his most frequently used tools.   In my sewing room it helps over and over again to measure fabric and ribbons before I cut into them.  In the offices and schools it helps us as a straight edge and measuring tape!

We all have tools of the trade.   The investor and CPA’s use numbers to guide them through decisions.   The librarians use computers, books and periodicals to run their business.   You get the message, we all have tools of our trade.  Embrace these tools and the natural talents you have developed.  Rather than compare, be happy with the tools you have acquired.

It made me wonder why some people feel comfortable with a guitar and how others prefer a recipe book and fresh vegetables.  It is what we experience and are brought up with that provide comfort zones for us.

Check out the latest on the 17 month old baby, Elizabeth Barrett, who is linguistically superior to her peers.  Yes, she  is able to read. This child has parents who are in the field of communication teaching sign language and attribute this to her ability to now read the written word.

It was not an intentional thing for them to teach their child this information, but how wonderful to have this result.   Signing is becoming more known and to have these bonus abilities are great.  It has been all over the internet and television.

In my research I also came up with  and      Our children are all special in some way; this child is also unique.  Such blessings are not given to all of us, but we are given other ones.   It is important to wish one another the best and work together to grow the talents we have.

Now tools of the trade are sometimes the skills we have learned.  Like the parents of this child, mom and dad have learned how to sign; for the musician they have learned skills, and built on their natural talents.   Whether it is the keyboard where you sit all day, the truck you drive, and the art board that helps you with marketing, we all need our tools.

In my laundry room I have an old Machinist tool box of my fathers.   That is coming up in a blog this week.   Stay tuned!

Meantime have a great one!   Enjoy and Delight in Living!

