Dealing with change takes on challenges and allows us to reframe our thoughts as time goes forward. We need to approach a new attitude with every change in direction.

Time is measured by events in our lives as well as changes in the environment. Taking steps to prevent problems means we have to make choices to move, to change direction, or to take measures to prevent dangerous issues. Linda talks about having trees in her yard that needed to be removed before there was a problem from them falling.

Pivoting from one thing to another is difficult, but we must evaluate just how we see things. Linda shares about having to take in her car into the dealership and the way she was treated. She had fears about how to give an honest review. She had an internal conflict.  Have you ever had a similar experience?


What are your fears? Where did they originate from? Who do you talk to when you have concerns and fears to discuss? You may have more control than you think you do!

Do you react quickly and impulsively? Emails and texts have taught us to react quickly and it isn’t always a good idea.  We need to think things through.

Self-care can go a long way in helping us stay well. As parents, as providers, and as community members we need to be there for one another.

CAL, a Gift from a good friend!

A little bear named Cal sits on my desk at work and reminds me of a dear friend who gave it to me after a trip she made to Calgary.  Even though this is a small thing in my life, it represents a time when there were normalcy and happier moments.

It’s all about paying attention to the small things in our lives that help us maintain stability and a positive outlook.
Martin Seligman later popularized the concept of learned optimism. By deliberately explaining events to ourselves in a constructive manner, we free ourselves from feelings of helplessness. Even when events in our lives come out of nowhere and tackle us, we can bounce back and gain control.

Here are a few trick or treaters who had a great time!

Linda shares about her focus on a few specific positive measures. What are the positive things you have chosen to think about or do for yourself?  How have the people in your community been creative in making the holidays special?

3 suggested books: Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi
Do Over by Jon Acuff
Off Balance by Matthew Kelly


Take the first step, it may put you on the escalator of success!  Linda’s own!