Yes, good morning everyone. I am sitting at the computer in the office having my morning decaf coffee and a protein drink. I don’t know what you are doing, but I hope you have your day set up to be productive and promising. I am in the process of working on workshops. Everything seems so tentative these days. It is hard to know what day this is!
These workshops probably will not be happening for a few weeks. Unfortunately, everyone is dealing with other issues. I have to say we are all feeling scattered in some way. For the people who are able to proceed with their jobs or connections, God Bless You! You are probably the ones who are helping to keep the rest of us balanced. It is making me think a lot about my purpose and what God wants me to be doing. Even my prayer life is a bit different. Less formal prayer is coming out of my mouth these days. I am having conversations with God and finding the Psalms are speaking to me.
I took a picture of this mishap earlier this week when I accidentally slide the plastic talcum powder off the counter. What a mess! Even the nearby dark wooden cabinet has powder on it.

I accidentally dropped a container of powder on our bathroom floor.
Yes just like this scattered powder, many of us are feeling scattered too. We are feeling confused and our thinking is not as focused as it could be. We are looking at options as to what to do next. I was able to vacuum this up with a little handheld cleaner, but our vacuum is also internally white now too. The room had a lovely fragrance from it, but that was not my intention. Actually the picture fails to show the extent of the mess. Like so many things that we deal with, this was annoying, but it was not a biggie. It was just an inconvenience that I didn’t really like. It is good to keep a perspective when it comes to the ongoing changes in life. Perhaps prayerfulness and staying engaged with one another helps us do that. We need to recognize the reality of what we do and how we do it too.
This past week I have talked with a number of people. Thank goodness that we have technology working to help us stay connected. Thank goodness for social media, news options, and the telephone. Thank goodness for the doctors, nurses, communication experts, the everyday workers at the stores, and postal services. We really have so much going on around us to entertain an distract us from getting depressed. Know that I am around and still working to help people go from a place of discomfort into a place to strength and hope.
Have a great day! I always appreciate hearing from you. Thanks to those who continue to send in photos for our blogs and other projects. My best, Linda