Rising to the Top
Growth is ongoing and can be fun in the process. Not everything we do in life is easy. We become the best version of ourselves with practice and setting ourselves up for success. We develop levels of competency, levels of understanding, and in our approaches to tackling change.
We do know that changes can be hard. They can also be fun and allow us avenues for meeting new friends, colleagues, and neighbors. At Delight in Living, you are encouraged to like yourself and reach for the stars. We walk the journey with you for support. We want you to succeed at every level. Rising to the top is easy when a person voluntarily makes changes. It is when we are forced to make changes that we rebel and feel victimized.
You are unique like this brick layered support beam! You are strong, stylish and can achieve height in your endeavors. Taking one day at a time allows you to be stunning in all that you do. It gives you time to level up in your education. Each course you take, every time you teach yourself something new, you are leveling up and creating portable equity.

Portable equity goes with you forever. It is the reputation you create. It is the resume of skills, education, and knowledge you have within you that can be applied to everything you do. For me, I am an organizer; it is easy for me to create systems and evaluate on the spot the discrepancies in being efficient. It was something that I began training for in college. I worked for a professor who was absent minded. He would misplace everything and make it difficult for the graduate students who needed him to sign off on projects. Within 2 to 4 weeks, I had his office organized with systems that he could follow. I recall finding 2, 3, and 4 copies of dissertations that students had turned in because he kept losing them. I put order to the chaos in the office. Those skills multiplied as I taught school, worked in offices, and carried me into my own counseling and teaching practices.
You too have skills that are portable. Make a list now of the ones that you own and let them start working for you. Are you a fast learner? Are you super coordinated? Do you comprehend facts quickly? Are you bilingual? Do you understand other people with compassion and clarity? Are you a communicator? A great listener? Are you easy going when things get stressful? Flexible when changes need to be made? A faith filled person who helps others feel better?

Leveling up can have a style of its own!