Having relevance in our lives is ongoing and helps us build our own integrity.   Every day is a new day with the potential to love and live life fully.  Join us weekly for Mini Miracles from Minor Moments.  This week Linda shares how quickly our days start and shares her quick start to Friday.  Getting Rosy’s nails done was relevant; when the opportunity presented itself, the day was kicked into gear.

When did you first feel relevant and important?  Do you recall a grandparent’s hug or warm embrace from a dear aunt?  These small, but meaningful encounters make us the people we become.   Thinking about how you function in life helps you embrace an identify and form integrity.  Always in small but significant steps, we find our way into adulthood.  We change roles in our employment, in our homes, with our families, and in society.

Our day kicked off with Snow!

How are you transitioning from one role to another?  Linda talks about her experience in team teaching.  It was a trend that lasted for a short time, but then all of the methods and needs in society help transform us into different menus.

Are you a parent with different age children?   Obviously the way you parent and the needs of each child change us and our family units.

Linda shares how her father-in-law’s heart surgery was an example of how trends and medicine continues to change. 


Take the one step that may put you on the escalator of success.


This content is not scripted.   Please listen and enjoy the short upbeat podcast every Friday.