Good Morning and Welcome to Podcast # 105, Creating a Good Life  .  This is Linda Gullo from Mini Miracles from Minor Moments where every week I come to you with a different sort of topic; a different idea for the week.  Something that’s going to propel you forward and help you have a super, excellent week ahead.  My mission here is to help others process change. I like to walk along with you,  to support you, to help you, to let you know what’s going on in my own life.  And perhaps it will help you find clarity in your life.  Linda shares a few thoughts from her own life that will help you find clarity in your life! 

Listen for the encouraging tips here!  Linda loves to continue learning and will share some of her favorite people to follow.  Here they are:

Michael Hyatt’s Platform University is just a click away.

Cliff Ravenscraft

Mel Robbins from Success

Brendan Burchard has written about on High Performance.

Steve Dotto has many U-tube helping pieces for the technical world.

Ray Edwards is the Prosperity Academy Guru

Move on Up!

They all have passion about what they do, just like I do for helping you! 

Build the Confidence Muscle is my new course coming up.  It is my new and an encouraging videos and PDF sheets to help you!  Look forward to it!

Linda shares a story of going to the local hospital for a meeting and listen to what happens!  How have you repeated things in your life that seems so easy to deal with and on other days we go in different directions.  Ar you looking in all the wrong places for answers?

Seize the day and go forward.   Take that first step!