Splitting and growing plants may sound easy, but splitting our time and energy to do many things is a bit more difficult.  The first portion of this podcast is about growth.  How do you become inspired about dealing with daily events?   Linda talks about Hosta and the need to keep splitting them.  She takes it another step for us.  How do you split your time?   Do you find yourself involved just with work, or just with family?   When and how do you grow in your relationships?   When do you thrive?

Learning to thrive under different circumstances can be hard.  We don’t always feel motivated, but we still continue to move ahead.   Give yourself credit when you do that!  Filter your thinking and clearing your mind takes time; look at the bigger picture.

How do you build others up?  How do you engage with other people?   Do you need to build better relationships?   Write letters to others, call your acquaintances, help others find their signature strengths!  It will help them and help you build integrity.

Next, Linda explains the direction of upcoming podcasts and how they will be broken down into sections so hang on for more. 

