Do you have bad attitudes?  A disposition where you could throw up your hands in frustration and defiance and then not care? You reject the best of life and then live with regrets blaming it on other people, problems, or events?

Do you feel people are indifferent to your feelings and emotions. Perhaps you feel stepped on and ignored. It is usually when things begin going wrong in our lives. We feel unheard and lonely.  I have just written an e-book on Creating Good Habits & Self Awareness using a series of very special photos. I will be sending it out to individuals who request it.

It calls us to look at our habits, our desires, and who mentors us.   It is a light-hearted, but important look at life. So many of us get swallowed up by the wrong things.  How about you?   Are you aware of your short comings, your actions to overcome them, and how many chances there are for you to grow?   Start now.   Call our office for an appointment or sign up for Timely-Topics.  You won’t regret it!

Morton Arboretum’s Troll’s Exhibition