Mini Miracles from Minor Moments continues to bring you information and insights on how to live your life with joy and fruitfulness.   Today Kate and Linda discuss ways to improve your self image and how to develop a power statement.  Welcome!

Frank Tyger says, “Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.”

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.”  Lydia Sweatt

Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments where you’ll see how the smallest things in life bring you great insight and joy!

Are you looking to create a Personal Power Statements? or a Business Power Statements?  Kate and Linda discuss some options for you as a help to develop you style!

Some words that might help you create a power statement include your finest skills or words that define you.   Are you personable, a self starter, influential person, persistent, determined, competent, dedicated, accomplished, or creative?   Find the words that define you and develop your statement.  I am …

“One single step may put you on the escalator of success!” Linda’s own insight!