Hello Friends! Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments. This is your host Linda Gullo. This is Podcast # 62 on Anxiety. Clear thinking during stressful moments is not easy for any of us. Therefore it is an excellent topic for today. I have had a wonderful week that included seeing two different friends, who both come from Wisconsin.

One came into Crystal Lake for a visit to catch up on all the neat things happening in her life. She has a child getting married, celebrated a graduation of another, and is on a break from teaching school. She shared with me the joy of seeing old friends and extended family at a recent shower. Her goal was to be hospitable and enjoy the time with others. It was just that with our visit too. We weren’t rushed and it was just marvelous. She is always high energy, clear thinking, and spontaneous. Her passion for painting with water colors is one of her fun projects. She was good to bring me a picture of my dog several years back. She is also good at taking great photos. Several of them will be appearing in the upcoming blogs I write.

The other friend meets me regularly at a midway point and we spend hours collaborating and discussing the important things happening all around. Our lives are parallel in the ages of our children, our professions, our faith journeys and so our conversations are all over the place. It is always great fun to connect with her in person. Our friendship goes back 25 years ago and it is a blessing to me. I must say that phone calls, texts, and emails also help connect us. We are prayer partners too.

Puzzles are meant to relieve stress and anxiety, but they can be frustrating!

My take away from relaxing with friends, is better than any vacation. A few hours away from the routine schedule is so appreciated. Other than being prepared for the day and remembering to bring the important things I want to give them with me, I look forward to new insights and seeing what I can bring to the table for discussion. I always seem to come away with more than I can possibly give to the conversation.

So consider this a small visit with you and me right now. Here are a few take-a-ways that maybe you can use for yourself.

These past few weeks have been very rough on many families in Illinois. I am aware of the suffering and anxiety that the recent rains have caused people so I want to address some of them today and a few ways we can handle stressful situations. Here is one story to share with you that can help.

Last night our dog Rosy, was beginning to pace and pant. I knew a storm was brewing, because of the rumbling in the distance. I went out to the yard with her. It was a dark ominous sky above and the temperature was hot. The air was stifling and oh so still. She quickly returned to me and I praised her for going outside. We walked in together rather slowly

When we went to watch television, I moved one of her beds to my feet and decided to try a new approach tonight to help her deal with the coming storm. The weather reports began breaking in and I think she sensed the tone of the broadcaster.

Whenever the media breaks in for any reason, we as adults lend an ear and often just those reports send goose bumps and anxiety in to shake us up. I listened and thought of all the people who had so choice, but to buck up and watch the levels of water rise on their property.

But wait, there is nothing we can do to control the weather. We can control our thoughts. This too shall pass. We are okay. Just be safe and deal with the consequences of the rain damage, if there is any, after the event happens. We are in control of our emotions and have lived through many things. In the end, we come through well. We make the calls to clean up, to be responsible, and to move forward.

That is true of weather, illnesses, losses, dealing with immature teenagers, car repairs, or other catastrophes. Not everything that causes anxiety is equal, but at the time it is happening, it is present. So step one is to stay in the moment. Don’t try to remedy something that hasn’t happened. Know that you are able to manage things in the moment.

As Christians, we are given plenty of what we need for the day. Tomorrow we will be given plenty to deal with the concerns of what that day brings. The ONE DAY at a TIME comes into play.

So back to Rosy. In the past she would run into her crate and hide, but last night we changed things. I know that one of the best ways for people to deal with things that cause them anxiety is to talk with another person.

Our thoughts become who we are and so if you are anxious you have to change the dialogue in your own head. Reframe your anxiety into a simple phrase, like “this is really just a passing moment, and I will deal with it.” By morning the sun will be up and the sidewalk can be swept dry. I will have more energy after a good night’s sleep.

I noticed she jumped off the seat she shares with me. I saw her head for the crate we refer to as her home. I called Rosy to come sit by me and she did. I began stroking her and telling her it was not bad that the sound would be going away soon. I found myself calming her and in the process recognized the anxiety the weatherman was producing. I muted the television for part of it. She laid herself down and leaned against my leg. I even opened the weather after the rumbling stopped and appreciated the breeze. I continued to tell her how good it was that she was staying with us and she continued to do so all evening. Finally, we urged her downstairs and outside for her last break for the day. I walked outside in my bare feet as the rain still continued to gently fall and talked to her all the whole time. Then I wiped her wet fur down and took her to the kitchen for a treat.

Even the struggles we encounter may end up bringing us blessings and insight. It was the first time, she had not run into her crate. I understand though that we all want to run and hide. We want to isolate ourselves when things go wrong, or just get away from the pain and confusion when things go wrong. We are all here to help one another. So when things start becoming anxious, call or connect with someone who is calm and reassuring. It will help bring momentary comfort back to you and a feeling of being in control of the present moment.

Be grateful also helps. We can’t be feeling overwhelmed if we are focusing on being gratefuI. I was appreciative of the break in the rumbling thunder last night. I was pleased we had a dry home and a dry towel to use on Rosy. I realized she needed a little TLC; it didn’t hurt her to receive it or me to give it.

I was glad to not have a particularly early morning so we could relax a little more before going to bed. Having walked a lot during the day had helped me stay in balance too. Moving regularly whether in a formal or informal state of exercise keeps us level. I was gently tired, so when I finally went to sleep it was good.

Which takes me to the next simple idea. Engage in something that will keep you mind active. Read if that helps. Last night I began crocheting a smaller project. I had to focus just enough. Rosy knows I do this to relax and I think it helped her too.

I also got up a few times during the storm just to move. I knew she’d follow me. So we went into the laundry room to wrap a few gifts. We put a few things away, and went back to our spot.

When one is anxious, our breathing is out of wack. Like the dog, we start to breathe rapidly or unevenly if we cry. Focus on your thinking and why you are not in control. It may take a few minutes to restructure your thoughts. What are the priorities? Are you in a safe place or do you need to move yourself or family? It may be to a different location, to get help, go to a basement, or call a friend. Call you do something to remedy the situation? Is there an action to take?

I recall flooding in the community I lived in as a child. One of the biggest concerns was the power going out. It was what kept the pumps going.

As a teenager, we were woken by a loud series of crashing sounds and bright lights flashing around our home lighting up everything. We had a yard, where overhead power lines snapped. They were arching and swaying wildly sending out flames.

The worst thing would have been to leave the house. My father had the presence to remind us to stay put. A nearby train had derailed and cows and pigs were roaming the area. It was funny, but the inclination was to run out and help corral the animals to safety. I think the fire department came out as a precaution; the power station had to shut off all the power lines for repair before any of us could go outside. The first priority was safety. Thankfully no homes, animals, or people were injured. Initially even my dad said he thought the end of the world was happening. We did not recognize what was happening. Was there anxiety? Yes you bet. Again thinking things through and prioritizing helped calm everyone.

Having the right mindset, a powerful sense of self confidence and people to support us helps us stay focused and healthy. Name your fears and move them aside. Believe you have the conviction to follow through to Delight in Living.

Anxiety isn’t all bad as long as you keep it in its place. Anxiety may be a warning. Maybe it is to see a doctor about a physical problem. Or to call about some broken pipe, or odd gas smell. Maybe you are out of doors during a storm and it tells you to run inside. Just think clearly my friends!

Until next week, stay true to yourself. Thank you for listening and for the kind feedback I have received. Know you can reach me at linda@delightinliving.com or call our number 815-459-5161. These podcasts are to inspire and help you. They are done for fun and as a service. Please spread the word and have people subscribe to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments on their phones or by listening through our website www.lindagullo.com

Drop me a line to sign up for counseling care or coaching help. Recognize the good people around you, the small joys that carry you forward, and the laughable moments. Look for those Mini Miracles from Minor Moments that are all around you waiting to be recognized.

Bye for now and remember, “Just one single step may put you on the escalator of success!”


The above dialogue is not exact.  Please listen to the podcast.  Enjoy it!