The shredder has been used and used again this week.   It also got a workout earlier in the year when I was trying to shove stuff in an already crowded file cabinet.   Eileen who comes into the office to help me on a regular basis encouraged me to eliminate extra paper from files that was just taking up space and congesting the cabinets here.   And so the journey went on for a couple weeks until Voila!  An empty drawer appeared.

Well today I have been on a number of Webinars, and 3 coaching sessions, finished the email work, and decided to file something in one of the notebooks.  I saw that there were so many more things hanging around as paper clutter than I needed. I instantly started pulling out things to dispose of so I could clear some clutter.  I work well in a clean and uncluttered office; suddenly this wasn’t the case.   I began labeling things and organizing.

It may be easy to shred paperwork and clean out a cabinet, but how well do you find clarity in your own mind?  How do you find clarity when your mind is filled with endless facts, multiple lists, and incoming distractions?  Do you rely on office staff or on your spouse to remove the clutter at your home or work space?  How does your car look on the inside?  Do you empty it frequently?

We all seem to be overwhelmed with tasks and putting out fires.   Clarity is so needed to keep us on task.   The first priority is to stay well.   That may be by simply eating, sleeping, and staying active.   So often one or all of these categories is not working well.  We may be eating well, but our sleeping is suffering.  Or we try to stay active, but get wound up and our eating is slipping and we are consuming sugar galore.

Tackling 3 things every day is a good rule of thumb.   For some people who may be recovering from an injury, perhaps they can only handle one thing at a time.   Find your comfort zone.   Keep in contact with lots of others so you are getting plenty of feedback.  Read often and keep filtering the old ideas from the new.   Kinda like emptying the filing drawer that get loaded with unused and obsolete information.

Enjoy you day and keep smiling.   Look for those Mini Miracles to keep popping up.



