Welcome to Mini Miracles from Minor Moments where our lives bloom in small ways from seemingly insignificant moments.

This is Linda Gullo and every week I bring to you a few thoughts to help you navigate through life.  I want you to love life and live it with joy and a feeling of fulfillment.

How to Be Happier & Advance! STEP Outside Your Comfort Zone

Today’s message is about stepping outside of your comfort zone.  Are you comfortable with stepping outside of your comfort zone? The practical side often locks us into what we feel is safe and easy. Think about your approach to seeing a new doctor, traveling to a new place, trying a new job, or learning a new profession.

Do you approach life with fear and trepidation? or joy and confidence? Where does your confidence come from? Do the people around you help or hinder you? Are you empowered from a deep faith? Are you secure in your own talents and education?

So much of how we approach life begins in the early years with our parents or care givers. We may start out adventuresome and get stymied along the way. Our genetic makeup certainly chimes in as to how we react. As adults we are often set in our ways and don’t branch out into new territories unless we are pushed. Some people feel they can go the road alone; they do not feel a community around them is a big help at all!

I watch a dog that resides across the street from us. He is a small Shepherd  who sits under the trees and looks like a statue.  He keeps an eye on the squirrels above. He will keep watch fearlessly, as if it is his duty. Sometimes I wonder if that is his only purpose.

Unlike this dog, we are not all that patient. We do not get so focused. We don’t see things clearly.   As a result we procrastinate and go for long periods of time trying to  find clarity in our decisions.

We have a “dogs life” of leisure.  Our needs for shelter, food, and family insurance cause us to hesitate so we don’t jeopardize our income.  So often we have jobs that we don’t like, but we feel locked into them.

Opportunities for growth are like stepping stones.   As children we progress one grade at a time. Each year the curriculum pushes us further until school no longer is our guide!   Then it is up to us to find hobbies, meet new people, and explore the world of opportunities.

Pathways of traveling or jobs may lead us to new and exciting places. Sometimes our way is smooth and easy to navigate. At other times a divorce, loss of money or illness seems to take away our stepping stones.   There appear to be no bridges to carry us over the hurdles.

Where are the elevators to raise us up?   Where are the escalators to help us move upward?  As a child walking a mile to school each day, I’d play games hopping over the grooves, reading the engraved signatures of the cement company, or counting my steps. I knew the path took me to a destination; namely school. I’d often walk with other friends, but when I was alone, I walked fast and with a purpose.

I still do walk with intentionality and a drive. Just ask anyone who walks with me and they will tell you that I leave them several steps behind. I don’t do it purposely, but I have learned that walking clears my mind and refocuses me quickly.

In the last two weeks, I have been taking the Power of You course with Mel Robbins. She is so authentic and fun to follow. I’d love to hear her speak in person. Mel is one of those dynamic speakers and so very relatable. She has done TED talks, and presents herself so well.  She has pushed herself through periods of self doubt and fear.  It is her journey that she shares with the world.

She wrote the Best selling book called The 5 Second Rule. I have been reading it with enthusiasm and following a closed FACEBOOK group of hers.
Her book The 5 Second Rule has made me aware of some of my own moments when I hesitate to do something, because I am not clear about the direction to  take.

Obviously, I am among many people, who hesitate to ruin with an idea.  So I took the step of learning and using the 5 second rule and I love how much it has helped me.  I hope to replace a few habits and refocus my energy on a few projects.

Life experience, reading books, and knowing people creates pathways to help us. We forge ahead through obstacles like health issues or loss of family members. Our jobs change sometimes or are eliminated without sufficient warning. Instead of seeing that as a blessing, we start to panic. There are the unexpected expenses that come from hikes in taxes, cracked septic fields, broken appliances, or the medical costs.  Our attitudes get warped and it is hard to flatten them out to work properly.

The direction of where we step next becomes unknown. There are times when we feel ourselves going in circles. We do the same chores repeatedly, visit the same stores, make the same appointments and feel unappreciated by our bosses and family members. So, who can help you break the cycle of feeling this way?

You can. I can. We can all have everything we want, but we need to use this tool, namely the  5 Second Rule as one approach.  Obviously it is not the only way, but  trying it can’t hurt.  It’s a simple process and worth the effort.   Along with gratitude and volunteering some time, we can all share the things that we love, and this book is one of them I’m sharing with you.

Thanks to the windows of opportunity that come along the way, we are able to rebound. Recovery comes along with advancements in careers, money from inheritances, information from the internet, or a professional that can direct us on a new and better track. That passage to another walkway gives us motivation and a new direction. We can become more confident and, as Mel says, “develop a powerful mindset!” I am not paid to promote her book, but you can tell I am enjoying it!

Have a great week of capturing the value of the minor moments in your life.  Listen with an open heart to your friends and family.   Dose yourself with acceptance and forgive those that have offended you.   Take the one step that may put you on the “escalator of success!”

