The term Easy Peasey has been on all social media and in our vocabulary for the last few years.  What makes something Easy Peasey?  Is it an expert status so that there is no thinking involved?   Does it mean one should just go for it, because it takes little effort?   Is it like a light switch that means a light bulb moment will just flip on without too much thinking?

I have several friends going through cancer treatments right now and it is not Easy Peasey It takes time, fortitude, sacrifice, and courage.  It is mentally stressing and often the results are physically painful or with side effects.   Like all things related to health, there is so much more involved than just popping a pill or a ten minute treatment.   Once upon a time, people took an aspirin and the headache or pain just went away.   Or at least that is what I was lead to believe as a kid.  My parent’s  generation lived a long time.  Many in that age range are still here and doing better than most of us younger folks!

Does Easy Peasey refer to learning something new for you?  Does it mean an easy curriculum, quick money at at job, or working out in a sport you love?   Is anything Easy Peasey for you?  I can’t help but think that some days are easier than others.  On somedays we sleep better and accomplish more than on other days.   Business, living, eating, connecting with friends and doing our jobs is easier on some days, but for most of us life is not all that easy.

And so here is where I am going.   I think we are all connected.   We all have likes and dislikes, talents, opportunities, and excess material wealth.  We like to be thought about and prayed for by our friends.   So this post Easter Day season is upon us.  Let’s continue in the spirit of giving, enjoying the day, and sharing whatever we can with one another.   Let’s aim at flipping the switch and making things Easy Peasey  for each other.   Have a peace filled Monday and a smile on your face and in your heart.   Delight in Living today and everyday.   Try to  a random act of kindness.