We all take so much for granted to be able to get up on turn on the shower each morning or whenever we have the need.   Water is the most refreshing thing; it wakes up our organs and jump starts our bodies.  Our bodies crave the replenishment of it.file-sep-26-10-48-33-am

The Mayo site tells us that our bodies are 60% water. *  Just watch the average wrestler trying to make weight.   They can sweat it off, spit it out, and stop all liquids to bring them down in weight quickly.  Of course, dehydration can drain your energy and/or make one tired so immediately after weigh in, these wrestlers indulge!  Perhaps not the best idea here, but one that happens.

People love living near the water.   Families enjoy the many clear water lakes and swimming pools.   They have cottages and summer homes for recreating on water.   It is a place of peace and quiet, as well as, a place to swim, fish, and just listen.  For some people the idea of being near a body of water allows them to pray.

As I child I spent time on a farm in Indiana. We also attended many Indiana State Fairs with my cousins.   It was always hot and trying to find a place in the shade under a tree was a challenge.  There a bottle of water was the only option.   I remember feeling parched and exhausted.

On the farm, we were always playing at the pump trying to cool off.  We learned to prime the pump and  would relish in the cold water gushing out.   The animals were drawn to us for the water too.  We’d splash it on our arms and face to get refreshed.  We’d rinse off the sand we were playing in.  How fortunate we were to have those wells providing for us!

In recent years, the benefits of accumulating rain water into rain barrels has become easier.   We have a rain barrel.  The rain from our gutters accumulates in a heavy duty container.   It allows us to use this God given resource for flowers and plantings throughout the summer.   We rinse off our hands after gardening.  In Fall, the barrel is washed out and pulled inside until next Spring.  I usually keep a gallon container to use for my indoor plants throughout the winter season.

Water is indeed refreshing.  In one song I know, “Come to the Water“,  the verses are clear.  Here are a few of them.   “O let all who thirst, let them come to the water.”  “And let all who seek, come to the water.”  “Let all who toil, let them come to the water.” **

Water is indeed purifying and cleansing to our bodies and minds.  We think nothing of turning on a faucet and letting the water run.   We wash our dishes without thinking of not having water. We throw out standing water from our outdoor flower pots to avoid mosquitoes from breeding.  We need it to stay well.

It is nourishing for our us to seek this resource.  We pray while sitting in nature, in the mountains, and streams. Nature brings out a spirituality even in those who are not church goers. The sounds of running streams are a calling card for animals.   Taking a walk in the rain or watching children jump in the puddles tells the greater story of simple joys.

Water fills and fuels our basic needs. Like the earth, wind, and fire, it brings us closer to our maker, who put these resources here for us.   However, we all know how detrimental it can be with too much of any of these.   Just look at all the devastation in Haiti and the countries in the path of Hurricane Matthew.  The overwhelming winds and rains have hurt property and killed people.   The long lasting effects will be felt for many.

Anything in moderation serves us well.   A simple conclusion that carries forward into everything in life.   Moderation in how much we eat is wise.   Exercising without over extending our bodies is a great idea.   Working to provide for our families without  being a work alcoholic  is ideal.   It is our overindulgence in any area that brings us down to our knees and weakens our lifestyle.

So here’s to a great day.  Enjoy all the God given gifts you have and the opportunities to explore and learn.   Look for those Mini Miracles as they rain down in water and through people around you today.   “Delight in Living!”




