Have you ever tried to accomplish something and half way through you quit?   Could this be a new job?  Do you start diets and quit half way through?   Are you trying a new style and just can’t get it to work for you?  Are you reluctant to start a new job or investigate something new?  do you have personal appointments you just don’t make and keep putting off?

Up Against a Wall?

    Up Against a Wall?

Looking to other people for guidance and help more than often works to resolve problems.   We all need to see what is happening around us.  I am blessed with family, friends, clients and patients that set an example for me.   They embark on an idea or adventure and I watch how they pull it off.  Sometimes they may fail, but they pick themselves up and go again.

Many times success happens  because we are being held to a higher standard or accountable by a boss, a spouse, or the need for something to improve. That something is money, health, or relationships.   It is one of the reasons God has given us free will; we need to decide for ourselves to change.  Our faith lifts us high above the problems if we turn to God for strength.

We are also given spouses, children, bosses, and family to love.  They hold us to a higher standard and expect things of us.   They know our abilities and desires.

Who holds you accountable?   Are you alone or just don’t care?   Are you depressed?  Or just confused and don’t know where to turn?   So many things in life are trial and error.  We need to respect ourselves and just jump in.

Fear is the number one thing that makes us hesitant to act or ask questions.   We think of all the reasons why we shouldn’t take a step forward.  Perhaps we don’t know who to contact so we do nothing.  Instead just start asking people and looking to your affiliations for help.   Or we don’t think we have enough money to go forward.  Well, again there may be different things you can do that don’t cost money.   Perhaps we are fearful that we will jeopardize what we already have and that isn’t true either.

Time is another brick wall.  We think “Oh there isn’t enough time!”  I find that sometimes I don’t make the time either.  I am always taking care of other people.   I have people to see or I can’t get in to see someone during my free time.   We all have excuses and we need to dump them.   I just did that!  I just made 5 appointments I have been putting off!   You can do it too!

Well even brick or concrete walls are vulnerable.   It may take time to break them down.  It may mean learning to navigate around it. You can still “Delight in Living!”   Just take your umbrella down and let the mini miracles fall on you.


