Well, by the time we are adults we tend to know what we want to share and what we don’t want others to know. Even the smallest child learns to quickly blame someone else when mom asks “who ate the cake I made for company?”

Kids also learn to keep quiet when the teacher confronts the classroom of students about some obvious issue.  Silence takes over the kids sitting there. Part of learning is when the whole class gets punished, because of a few misbehaving children or a child that no one wants to snitch on.   I think this is what they call socialization?  Sometimes we suffer, because of the choices those around us make.  Unfortunately, this is at all levels.   Innocent people are hurt even if only one is targeted.

It is really obvious when it comes to people making choices.  We know when we are making the wrong ones; our consciences tell us.  We may hurt someones feelings or injure relationships.  Or we may end up ruining primary relationships, because of our selfish behaviors.  It’s almost as if we become children and put our own needs before those of our spouses, siblings, or parents.  Children and marriages are sacrificed due to infidelities.   Many are hurt because of one bad choice.  Or someone steals money and the whole staff loses a job.File Aug 30, 9 42 15 AM

Masks allow us to hide or to be more free-spirited.  Plays and costumes help us to develop our imaginations.   That is why dressing up in play clothes is so much fun for children.   They suddenly can transform into a magical Disney character or be a hero from the latest movie.  They can  put on crazy hats, silly robes, and jewelry.  Tiaras and adornments make us feel unique and special.  But we must also be conscious of the fact that these masks and adornments come off and reality sets in.   We must still do our chores, attend to our jobs, and follow through with our responsibilities.

So as I looked at this character from a Production of Lion King, I thought of what do we hide behind?  I thought truth and wearing a mask was  important to address today.  Make-up and new identities transform us and give us hope. They give us time to figure out who we are and what we need.

So how do we do this into our adult years?   Do we take up singing, join a local theater group, or join a church choir?  Do we join a club or church that will help us keep our  values strong?   Can we be honest and helpful to ourselves and those around us?

What does all of this masking play out as in your life?  It seems people have forgotten that hiding behind a mask or lying is wrong. More and more people twist the truth.  Why is that?  Why do people neglect to tell partial truths?  Why do we call things white lies when they are obviously lies?

We really don’t have to lie. If we forget something; admit it.  If we don’t feel comfortable expressing a negative reply, just don’t say anything.  Silence is golden and a good way not to hurt someone’s feelings.  We need to be forgiving and honest.

If you don’t feel comfortable in a situation, remove yourself, or sit down and have a conversation to address the issue.  I think it has boiled down to our inability to express ourselves.  Media has allowed us to hide behind a facebook site, linked-in, texting, or an email.   We can’t hear the person’s voice, see their expression, or honestly feel their pains.  We substitute material things for connections.  We need to remove all the masks that society has put in place and return to good old-fashioned manners.

I’d love to have you suggest topics for this blog.   Please send me an email with ideas that can help us all journal and figure out healthy directions.  Peace for the day and “Delight in Living!”

