How is morning for you?  Are you a morning person?  This was taken a few years ago when I had classes downtown.  I really love the Loop.  I don’t appreciate getting up early, but once I am down town, it is wonderfully uplifting.  Do you go into Chicago regularly and if so do you find the ride downtown calming?  Do you drive in and have to buck the traffic?   And look at th

IMG_0899 (1)My mornings are pretty scheduled with appointments or meetings.  I have cut back on the later, because of taking myself off of committees. Learning to prioritize has helped me make life more doable.  What thing are you doing for yourself to ease up on responsibilities.

Usually getting myself up and moving also means caring for the dog and her needs.   If you have a dog, you understand.  Then I am out to Mass, the office, or catching up.  Today my schedule included the bank since someone had tried to hack into my business account.  I find it all so annoying to deal with those sort of things.  I also had the computers checked for viruses and worms.   So my apologies for getting this out late today.   Usually I get my blogs outlined and ready for the week on Saturdays, but being computer less was hard.

When are you most productive and does your eating influence your day?  With everyone addressing diets and eating correctly, I wonder if what you eat does matter?   Please let me know.   Especially those who stay up late like I do.   Often I wonder if I should be eating some protein later in the day.

Have a super week and GREAT MORNINGS! 
