My mother and father had a girl and a boy.  That translates into the fact that I had no sisters.   I have been blessed with two sister-in-laws to create memories with, but unfortunately they both live far far away.

As a kid sister to a brother who is 5 years older, I knew how to get on his good side (feed him, LOL).  Seriously, I used to love hanging around with him.  He was always working with crystal sets, taking electronics apart, fixing radios and televisions, working with oscillioscopes, and projects.  I used to separate transitors and resistors into piles for him that he’d glean from old devices.  He entered the Air Force my Junior year of college and have missed him ever since.  When I look back I was a pretty good sister to him.

Are you a big or little sister to another sister?   What is the best thing about that relationship?  Would you like to change it or reconnect somehow? Were you close as children?

IMG_3752Here we have 3 sisters represented in this wax mold.  I asked them about their roles in the family and what they found important.  These girls are 24, 18, and 6. Note that they have 4 brothers scattered in age underneath each of them.

So then the youngest girl, who just turned six replied,  “The best thing is that they take me to the park;  they do fun stuff with me (like color with me). They show me how to do stuff, and I try!  It isn’t exciting when they aren’t doing stuff with me!”

The one in the middle told me– “I would say I am here  to protect my younger sister and to learn from my older sister.”

In a way, all are really blessed to have their roles defined by the pecking order.

The oldest child is now a young adult and student who takes her role seriously.  “For me, I think it would be the fact that there’s just a genuine bond. Although our ages are different we still find ways to connect and the memories are endless. I see my role not only as a big sister, but as a second mother. I want to make sure I set the right example for them. I want them to see that hard work & dedication pays off and that family is important. Family comes first and I want them to see that, because at the end of the day family will always be there!”

I think it is good to see yourself in relation to your family and friends.  Not to compare, but to evaluate what responsibilities we need to own up to. Our families can teach us so much about how to function well in the world.  It isn’t a surprise that  when our family units are broken, that we suffer.  Most of us learn to support our close friends who are alone.  We learn to reach out and love one another.  And we need to let others love us as well.  May your week be filled with blessings.   Catch those mini miracles and give thanks.
